首页 / 词典 / good


píng yōng
  • mediocre;banality;ordinary;commonplace;indifferent;philistinism
平庸 [píng yōng]
  • [mediocre;indifferent] 寻常;凡庸;不高明

  • 平庸之辈

平庸[píng yōng]
  1. 我认为这部戏剧只是平庸之作。

    I thought the play was only mediocre .

  2. 它似乎即将迈入第三纪元,并将在这个纪元中成为一家不可或缺的机构,催生新平庸(newmediocre)时代被认为必要的全球经济改革。

    It appears to be on the verge of a third epoch in which it is set to become indispensable , ushering in the global economic reforms now considered necessary in the ' new mediocre ' .

  3. 我把这部电影称为“模仿希区柯克导演手法的平庸之作”。

    I would describe this movie as ' Hitchcock lite ' .

  4. 就是对智力最平庸的人来说,这也应当是非常明了的。

    This should be clear even to the meanest intelligence .

  5. 他是个智力平庸的人。

    He 's an intellectual lightweight .

  6. 普通人的命运任凭那些平庸刻板的官僚们摆布。

    Ordinary people are at the mercy of faceless bureaucrats .

  7. 我只是一个颇为平庸无趣的普通人。

    I 'm just a very ordinary , boring normal guy

  8. 他的文风十分平庸,那本书乏味至极。

    His style is so pedestrian that the book becomes a real bore

  9. 雷尼是个平庸而且相当乏味的老师。

    Rainey was an unimpressive , rather dull lecturer .

  10. 我其实不想做个平庸之辈,结个婚,背上房贷。

    I actually don 't want to be a middle-of-the-road person , married with a mortgage .

  11. 如今的时尚品位低下,平庸无奇。

    Fashion today is sloppy mediocrity .

  12. 这个剧本是十足的平庸之作,难以想象有人会写出这样的垃圾。

    The script is utterly banal . It is incredible that human minds can put such muck on to paper .

  13. 在任何一群艺术家中,每一两个有才华的人周围总有一帮平庸无能的溜须拍马者。

    For every one or two talented people in any group of artists , there are hordes of talentless hangers-on .

  14. 他还是个气量狭窄,无事生非,平庸刻薄的人。

    He was also petty , unreasonably querulous , and mean .

  15. 凯默也做诗,但很平庸。

    Keiner made verses too , but very indifferently .

  16. 他们的情趣和思想非常平庸。

    Their tastes and ideas are rather bourgeois .

  17. 即使是专家也有可能将伟大的艺术和平庸混淆。

    Great art and mediocrity can get confused , even by experts .

  18. 他那讨人喜欢而近乎平庸的脸显得和蔼有余而机敏不足

    His pleasant , somewhat ordinary face suggested amiability rather than astuteness .

  19. 让简单事情变复杂是平庸;让复杂事情变简单,惊人地简单,是创造力

    Making the simple complicated is commonplace ; making the complicated simple , awesomely simple , that 's creativity .

  20. 相反,我采取了折衷的办法,列了一张稍微不那么平庸的清单,写明我今日必须完成的各项事务。

    Instead I 've compromised by writing a slightly less bathetic list of all the things I must do today .

  21. 因为设计师如果只关注APP功能或可用性,就会造成用户在使用过程中获得的体验走向平庸。

    The users will obtain less experience during in the use of the APP if the designer only focus on the function or other usability concerns .

  22. 其次,在我的测试中,新款Nexus7电池的续航能力比较平庸。

    Another drawback : In my test , the new Nexus 7 's battery life was underwhelming .

  23. 费尔森施泰因就坐在他们后面一排,他看到AppleI后,称之“十分平庸'这番评论让沃兹失去了信心。

    Sitting in the row behind them was Felsenstein , who looked at the Apple I and pronounced it " thoroughly unimpressive . " Wozniak was unnerved by the conversation in the row behind him .

  24. toe:趾触,趾踢【触及】mediocrity:平常,平庸之才据我所知,你一直是个循规蹈矩的孩子,Nathaniel。

    Queller : From what I can see , you always seem to be toeing the line of mediocrity , Nathaniel .

  25. 事实是,在上世纪七、八十年代,布莱恩爵士和米德兰银行(MidlandBank)前首席执行官布莱恩皮尔斯爵士(SirBrianPearse)领导了一场反对清算银行管理质量平庸的革命。

    The truth is that Sir Brian and Sir Brian Pearse , former chief executive of Midland Bank , led a revolution against the mediocre quality of clearing bank management in the 1970s and 1980s .

  26. 英国国内生产总值(gdp)在七国集团(g7)中的排名已从最末升至第二,这一事实表明,尽管利奇爵士称英国技能人才“平庸”,但英国肯定采取了一些正确的措施。

    The fact that the UK has gone from bottom to second in terms of gross domestic product among G7 countries suggests the country must be doing something right , despite what Lord Leitch describes as its " mediocre " skills .

  27. 有人害怕依照共识做出的创造性决策可能会是平庸而乏味的,这样的担心貌似很合理。但是Orpheus证明了这种担心毫无必要。

    It would be reasonable to fear that making creative decisions by consensus would lead to bland and uninteresting results , but Orpheus'results prove that this needn 't be the case .

  28. 当最近一次测试结果于上周发布时,身为保守党成员的英国教育大臣迈克尔•戈夫(MichaelGove)与工党的特里斯特拉姆•亨特(TristramHunt)立即展开舌战,争论哪个党派应为英国学生的平庸表现负主要责任。

    When the latest results were published last week , England 's education secretary Michael Gove and his Labour counterpart Tristram Hunt immediately launched into battle over which party was most to blame for the country 's average performance .

  29. 当bucky最终解破谜局时,《黑色大丽花》却草草收尾,使影片成为钱德勒作品后现代式的蹩脚模仿,不由令人想起了迪帕尔马早期平庸之作的古怪结局。

    And when Bucky finally solves the case , " the Black Dahlia " unravels faster than its plot , becoming a post-modern parody of Chandler that recalls the outlandish endings of earlier , less ambitious De Palma films .

  30. 但我穿上制服显得那么矮胖而双平庸!

    But I look so plain and dumpy in the uniform !