
  • 网络helicase;unwind;untwisting
  1. 应用DNA解旋荧光测定(FADU)法,研究了小剂量辐射对淋巴细胞DNA的影响及其诱导的适应性反应。

    Fluorometric analysis of DNA unwinding ( FADU ) was conducted and was proved to be an optimal method for studying DNA strand breaks induced by low dose irradiation .

  2. 从检测的原理、局限性和影响因素等方面对几种主要的DNA单链断裂的检测技术包括快速沉降技术、碱性解旋、碱性洗脱和单细胞凝胶电泳进行了综述。

    Several kinds of techniques of detecting DNA single strand breakage in cells are discussed , name-ly , velocity sedimentation , alkali unwinding , alkali elution , and single cell gel electrophoresis , with regard to their principle , limitations , and influence factors .

  3. 抗衰延寿方增加老年大鼠肝细胞细胞核双链DNA解旋剩余率(即减少DNA单链断裂)17.3%。

    KSYS compound can decrease DNA single-strand break in old rat liver nuclei .

  4. DNA双螺旋链在复制和转录的过程中要在酶的催化下解旋,这是一个高度复杂的过程,目前还无法用物理学的方法来描述。

    During the replication and transcription , DNA unwinds the double helix under the control of an enzyme . It is a very complex process beyond a physical description .

  5. 通过圆二色谱(CD)和吸收光谱研究了Cu(2+)对三螺旋poly(A:2I)的解旋行为,并从结构的角度分析了其解旋机理。

    The behaviour of unwinding of the triple helix poly ( A : 2I ) induced by Cu2 + was investigated by circular dichroism and ultraviolet spectra methods , and the mechanism of unwinding was analysed from the structure view point .

  6. 碱解旋法(DNAalkalineunwindingassay,DAU)是一种快速、灵敏、简便、廉价的检测DNA单链断裂的方法,目前已应用于检测辐射及化学物质引起的DNA损伤。

    The DNA alkaline unwinding assay ( DAU ) is a rapid , sensitive , simple and convenient and cost-effective method for the detection of DNA single strand breaks . It has been applied to the detection of DNA damage caused by radiation and chemical reagents .

  7. 微生物转换法&DL-肉碱解旋的新思路

    Microorganism transformation new method for the resolution of DL carnitine

  8. 此结果表明碱基受损,主链断裂,超螺旋结构部分解旋。

    The results show bases damaging , strandline breaking , supercoiled structure relaxing partly .

  9. 边界元应力函数法解旋转体的扭转问题

    A Boundary Integral Method of Elastic Torsion of a Shaft of Rotational Symmetry by Stress Function

  10. 当精细胞核向长形转变时,染色质纤维解旋并结合在一起形成缎带结构。

    As spermatid nucleus elongates , the chromatin fibers are unwound and join together to form ribbon structure .

  11. 本文主要介绍了两种方法的原理及其在评价左室扭转和解旋影响因素中的初步应用。

    In this article , we primarily introduce their principles and the initial application in evaluating the influencing factors of LV twist and untwist .

  12. 暴露一段时间后,离心收集制成一定浓度的细胞悬液,然后制片、裂解、解旋、电泳、染色,在荧光显微镜下观测结果。

    After a period of time , centrifugal collectors made a certain concentration of cell suspension . Then did comet assay and observed results .

  13. 在这个解旋过程中并伴随有磁螺度的传输,其向上传输的速度近似为色球的阿尔芬速度(大约130km/s)。

    There is transportation of magnetic helicity in this untwisting process , the upward transportation speed of which is more or less the chromospheric A liven speed ( about130km / s ) .

  14. 等容舒张期解旋百分比(Iutw%)在3岁前最低,3岁至45岁随年龄增加逐渐增大,45岁以后随年龄增加而减小。

    The proportion of untwist in isovolumetric relaxation period ( Iutw % ) was lowest before 3 years old , and increased gradually from 25 to 45 years old , then decreased with aging .

  15. 3例后期进行了肩关节松解和旋前圆肌肌腱切断。

    Shoulder joint lysis and round pronator teres resection were performed in 3 patients .

  16. 在这个解中,旋量场的分布不是SLAC模型那样的球壳分布,而是球体内的分布。

    The distribution of the spinor field in the solution concentrates near the origin , which is unlike the shell distribution of the SLAC solution .