
jiě tuō
  • relief;release;extricate;disengage;escape;deliverance;get rid of;absolve;free oneself from;exonerate;extricate oneself
解脱 [jiě tuō]
  • (1) [mukti;vimukta]∶佛教指脱离苦恼,自在无碍

  • 果解脱否。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

  • (2) [get rid of]∶甩掉;脱身

  • 诸事纷扰,使他无以解脱

  • (3) [absolve]∶开脱

  • 为人解脱罪责

解脱[jiě tuō]
  1. DirectShow能使应用程序开发人员从复杂的数据传输、硬件差异、同步性等工作中解脱出来,使得用DirectShow框架开发视频图像的实时预览与检测变得简单。

    DirectShow can make application programmers get rid of work of complex data transmission , hardware difference , synchronism and so on . Using directshow to develop real-time preview and face detection of video becomes easy . 2 .

  2. 通过认识疼痛或受蕴,你就能觉悟,由此你可灭除烦恼,解脱痛苦。

    And through the realization of this pain or aggregate of sensation , you can attain to the Enlightenment by which you can destroy defilement and get rid of suffering .

  3. 写诗使她从日常生活的例行公事中解脱出来。

    Writing poetry liberated her from the routine of everyday life .

  4. 他们终于从愚昧无知的束缚中解脱出来。

    They were at last freed from the fetters of ignorance .

  5. 他想把秘密说出来,让自己得到解脱。

    He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret .

  6. 他遇上了麻烦,难以解脱。

    He 's in it up to his neck .

  7. 我认为她的死是一种幸运的解脱。

    I think her death was a merciful release .

  8. 他感到既愤怒,又解脱。

    His feelings were part anger , part relief .

  9. 她需要从日常事务中解脱出来,找点有意思的事做。

    She needed to break out of her daily routine and do something exciting .

  10. 对她来说,旅行是为了从乏味的日常生活中暂时解脱出来。

    For her travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life .

  11. 我想离婚,以求解脱。

    I wanted a divorce . I wanted to get away .

  12. 家庭假日就是从平淡的日常生活中解脱一下。

    Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine .

  13. 开场的一幕是他们在庆祝自己突然从战争中解脱了出来。

    The opening scene shows them celebrating their sudden deliverance from war

  14. 我问麦基翁重聚是不是为了寻求解脱。

    I asked McKeown if the reunion was meant to achieve closure .

  15. 他们受够了,他们想要解脱,永远的解脱。

    They were through . They wanted out . Forever

  16. 我带着一种罪恶的解脱感离开。

    I leave with a guilty sense of relief .

  17. 一种新型机器也许可以将成千上万的动物从药物试验的痛苦中解脱出来。

    A new machine may save thousands of animals from the agony of drug tests

  18. 巴特勒和斯通一致认为这场战争使人们的生命得到了道义上的解脱。

    Butler and Stone concur that the war threw people 's lives into a moral relief

  19. 更多的平民在为警察部门工作,使得警员从文案中解脱出来。

    There were more civilians working for the police , freeing officers from desk jobs .

  20. 这种解脱几乎可以感觉得到。

    The relief was almost tangible .

  21. 他被送到医院时,医生告诉我们他伤势过重,死亡对他算是一种幸运的解脱。

    We were told when he was taken to hospital that his injuries were so severe death would be merciful

  22. 我得从疯狂的竞争中解脱出来,重新审视真实的世界。

    I had to get out of the rat race and take a look at the real world again .

  23. 有种充满希望和解脱的奇妙感觉,好似卸下了一副千斤重担。

    There was an extraordinary feeling of hope and relief , as if a great burden had been cast off .

  24. 从传统的束缚中解脱出来,不再担心别人会有什么看法,顿时感到柳暗花明。

    Freed from the bonds of convention and the fear of what others may think , the mind responds with new solutions

  25. 她常常想在死亡中寻求解脱。

    She constantly invoked death for her relief and deliverance .

  26. 想象使人从单调无聊的生活中解脱出来。

    Imagination raises a man above the humdrum of life .

  27. 她终于从一切牵累中解脱出来。

    At last she was freed from all encumberances .

  28. 现在是你从职务中解脱的时候了。

    It 's time for you to be relieved from active duty .

  29. 我把钱包丢在家里了,但乔克借给我10英镑,才解脱了我的窘境。

    I left my wallet at home but Jock saved the day by lending me ten pounds .

  30. 那位正式教员回来了,对吗?”“好哇,那我就算解脱了。”

    " the regular teacher is back , isn 't he ?"" good , that lets me out !"