
jiě dú jì
  • antidote;toxicide
  1. 但《解毒剂:无法忍受积极思维的人如何获得幸福》(TheAntidote:HappinessForPeopleWhoCan'tStandPositiveThinking)一书与这类主题背道而驰。

    The antidote diverges from this theme .

  2. 它常常被视为使用Singleton之后带来的许多问题的解毒剂(并且,作为题外话,Singleton是我们没有包含在本书中的一个模式:->)。

    It is often seen as an antidote for many of the problems that using Singleton brings in its wake ( and , as an aside , Singleton was one pattern we did_not_include in the book : - > ) .

  3. 治疗办法有用解毒剂,它会与组织中的铅结合而把它驱逐出去。

    Treatment involves giving antidotes that Bind the lead in the tissues .

  4. 而现在一项史无前例的研究发现通过分析留在受害者伤口内的DNA可以鉴定蛇的种类—从而能够进一步提供解毒剂。

    Now a first-of-its-kind study finds that it 's possible to analyze snake DNA left in the victim 's wound to identify the snake - and thus the correct antivenom .

  5. 目前尚缺乏百草枯特效解毒剂以及有效降低毒物毒性的治疗手段。PQ主要以原形的形式经肾脏排出,因此了解其排泄机制及肾脏损伤机制非常重要。

    There is no special antidote for paraquat and effective way to reduce the toxicity of poison currently . PQ is excreted as the original form from the renal , therefore , understand the excreted mechanism and renal injury mechanism is very important .

  6. 口服巯基解毒剂治疗路易氏剂中毒的疗效

    Antidotal Effect of oral administration of two SH-compounds on lewisite intoxication

  7. 我们不能在他的血液里提取逆向解毒剂。

    We can 't reverse-engineer a cure out of his blood .

  8. 小花棘豆解毒剂对小白鼠的急性毒性试验

    Test on Oxytropis glabra Antidote against The Acute Toxicity in Mice

  9. 提供用来治疗铅中毒的解毒剂;

    Provision of antidotal agents for the treatment of lead poisoning ;

  10. 除草剂解毒剂减轻乙草胺对玉米残留药害的研究

    Study of Herbicide Antidote on Protecting Maize Residual Injury from Acetochlor

  11. 革命的批判教育学:教师教育项目的解毒剂

    Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy : The Antidote for Teacher Education Programs

  12. 你知道夏天多任务的解毒剂是什么吗?

    You know what the summer antidote to multitasking is ?

  13. 《解毒剂》一书声称,追寻幸福将使人筋疲力尽,失望连连。

    The Antidote argues that pursuing happiness leads to exhaustion and disappointment .

  14. 行动是抵抗焦虑的强大解毒剂。

    Action is a powerful a ntid ote to anxiety .

  15. 只要解毒剂存在一天,我们的战争就不会停止。

    So long as the cure exists , our war will rage .

  16. 农药引起的作物药害及解毒剂的研究

    Studies on plant harm caused by pesticides and antidotes

  17. 而能否快速接受解毒剂治疗直接关乎生死。

    Giving the antidote quickly can be the difference between life and death .

  18. 这类分析是对股市情绪的一剂有效的“解毒剂”。

    This sort of analysis is a useful antidote to stock market moods .

  19. 解毒剂:抵消毒药或毒物效果的药品。

    Antidote : Remedy to counteract the effects of a poison or toxin .

  20. 慢性氟中毒时兔牙含氟量与几种解毒剂的关系

    The relation between fluoride content and several toxicide in rabbit teeth with chronic fluorosis

  21. 我要找到解毒剂,我要离开这儿。

    I 'm gona find an antidote and I 'll get out room here .

  22. 钾片碘片都并非核辐射解毒剂。

    Potassium iodide pills are not radiation antidotes .

  23. 它向时常破坏20世纪生活的过度负担提供了一付受欢迎的解毒剂。

    And provide a welcome antidote to the congestion that often blights 20th-century life .

  24. 我们要如何安全运送解毒剂?

    How do we transport the antidote safely ?

  25. 消灭一种生物制剂能像喝有胡椒味的解毒剂那么简单吗?

    Could killing a biological agent be as simple as drinking a peppermint-flavored antidote ?

  26. 他们会让她保持镇静直到我们找到对她合适的解毒剂。

    They 're keeping her under sedation until we find an antidote for her condition .

  27. 把受感染的部分用消毒剂消毒.他服了对付那种毒物的解毒剂。

    Clean the infected area with disinfectant . He took an antidote for the poison .

  28. 过去几个月以来,媒体上已经出现了多篇与《解毒剂》一书有关的书评。

    The antidote has been reviewed several times over the course of the past few months .

  29. 亚甲基蓝属噻嗪类染料,在兽医中主要用作消毒剂与解毒剂。

    Methylene blue , mainly used for disinfectant and antidote in veterinary , is a thiazine dye .

  30. 对人权的尊重是社会动荡的解毒剂能够降低滋生暴力和恐怖的不满情绪

    Respect for human rights is an antidote to instability and the grievances that fuel violence and terror