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  • Dissolve Parliament;dissolution of parliament
  1. 我们只得等待解散议会。

    We had to wait for the dissolution of parliament .

  2. 布基纳法索武装部队宣布解散议会和政府。

    The country 's armed forces have announced the dissolution of parliament and the government .

  3. 卡夫威胁要解散议会并举行选举。

    Kaifu threatened to dissolve the Parliament and call an election .

  4. 在有些议会制国家,国家元首有权解散议会和宣布重新举行议会选举。

    In some parliamentary systems , parliament may be dissolved by the head of state and new elections ordered .

  5. 葡萄牙总统席尔瓦(AnibalCavacoSilva)解散议会,并宣布在6月5日举行选举。

    The Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva has dissolved parliament and announced a snap election for5 June .

  6. 作为总统,他可以随意解散议会。

    As president , he can dissolve parliament on a whim .

  7. 他应该解散议会并组织选举。

    He should dissolve parliament and call an election .

  8. 我刚接获消息,皇帝已无限期地解散议会。

    I 've just received word that the emperor has dissolved the Council permanently .

  9. 新西兰将解散议会推迟至下周一。

    The dissolution of New Zealand 's parliament has been deferred until next Monday .

  10. 埃及军事委员会解散议会。

    Egypt 's military council dissolves parliament .

  11. 泰国红衫军称,如总理在30天内解散议会,他们将于政府恢复对话。

    Red-shirts'ready to resume talks with gov 't if PM to dissolve House in30 days .

  12. 历史上的今天-解散议会C1679年的今天,英格兰国王查尔斯二世解散议会。

    avalier Parliament is disbands 1679 - King Charles II of England disbands the Cavalier Parliament .

  13. 首相可以随时解散议会,召集新的选举。

    The prime minister can dissolve the Folketing at any time and call for new elections .

  14. 尼泊尔宣布解散议会

    Nepal Announces Dissolution of Parliament

  15. 议员们可能设法弹劾总统。反过来,穆沙拉夫也有权力解散议会。

    Lawmakers could try to impeach the president , but Mr. Musharraf also has power to dismiss parliament .

  16. 如果下议院议员投票反对政府,就得解散议会,进行大选,重新选出下议院以决国事。

    If the members of Parliament vote against the government , they will have to go to the country .

  17. 一些议员说一旦解散议会就会造成真空,那将有利于反动分子。

    Q.some parliamentarians are saying that the dissolution of Parliament will create a vacuum which could encourage the regressive elements .

  18. 更糟糕的是,该委员会有权解散议会,这对未来任何由反对派组成的政府来说都可构成致命一击。

    Worse , the council has the ability to dissolve parliament – a death stroke to any future opposition government .

  19. 他说,他必须留下来保护民主制度,他不会辞职,也不会解散议会。

    He says he will not resign and he will not dissolve parliament as he must stay to protect democracy .

  20. 作为总统,穆沙拉夫有权解散议会。一些观察人士认为,如果议会的行动对他不利,他也许会这么做。

    As president , Mr. Musharraf can dissolve parliament - which some observers have suggested he may do if parliament moves against him .

  21. 总统有权召集,推迟,或结束立法会议,并且在议会行使一年后的任何时间解散议会。

    The president may summon , suspend , or end a legislative session and dissolve parliament any time after it has served for one year .

  22. 拉乔利纳是马达加斯加首都塔那那利佛市市长,在拉瓦卢马纳纳总统被迫辞职后,拉乔利纳星期三宣布出任总统,并于星期四宣布解散议会。

    Mr. Rajoelina , the mayor of Antanananarivo , claimed the presidency on Wednesday and dissolved parliament Thursday after President Marc Ravalomanana was forced to resign .

  23. 结果证明了前总统扎特莱尔斯无罪,在他任总统期间在议会阻止一项腐败调查之后他曾通过督促进行全民公投来进行大选而被指责想解散议会。

    The result vindicates Mr Zatlers , who as president precipitated the election by calling a referendum to dissolve the Saeima after it blocked a corruption probe .

  24. 上星期五,叛乱分子正式接管权力,宣布解散议会,并将组建一个新的总统委员会来处理政务。

    The rebels finalized their takeover of the country last Friday , announcing they have dissolved parliament and are establishing a new presidential council to run Yemeni affairs .

  25. 明天,也就是周二,布朗将前往白金汉宫,要求伊丽莎白女王解散议会,随后正式宣布选举日期。

    Mr Brown will go to Buckingham Palace tomorrow Tuesday to ask Queen Elizabeth to dissolve parliament , and then make a formal announcement of the election date .

  26. 总统也被赋予特殊权力,如提名法院法官的权力,在某种条件下解散议会的权力,立法否决权。

    The president is also granted specific powers such as the right to nominate Constitutional Court judges , dissolve parliament under certain conditions , and enact a veto on legislation .

  27. 扎尔达里已经保证限制总统广泛的权力,包括解散议会的权力,但是许多巴基斯坦人对于他能否兑现承诺表示怀疑。

    He has pledged to reign in the presidency 's broad powers , which include the ability to dismiss parliament , but many Pakistanis are skeptical that he will follow through .

  28. 早些时候布朗曾召集一次内阁会议,随后他从唐宁街出发前往白金汉宫,请女王下令解散议会。

    The prime minister had earlier travelled the mile from Downing Street to Buckingham Palace , following a cabinet meeting , to ask the Queen to dissolve parliament a week on Tuesday .

  29. 首相说,如果议会在我们参加共同市场这一重大问题上反对他,那他只得被迫解散议会,进行大

    " The Prime Minister said that if Parliament went against him on the crucial issue of our joining the Common Market , he would be forced to go to the country . "

  30. 本周,菅直人谈到他无意提早解散议会,公众也不希望这样,最好能维持到2013年。

    This week Mr Kan said he had no intention of dissolving parliament early , arguing that the public would not like it and that it would be better to wait until 2013 .