
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ tuán tǐ
  • public body
  1. 它们是只设在东京的特别地方公共团体。

    They are special local public entities found only in tokyo .

  2. 他为各种公共团体工作,这使他很少有自己的空余时间。

    His work for various public bodies left him little spare time .

  3. 她灵机一动,选定了“公共团体议案”。

    After some quick thinking she chose the " public bodies bill " .

  4. 公共团体应主动公开重要信息。

    Public bodies should proactively publish core information .

  5. 再次,对社会公共团体尤其是行业协会的监管责任进行了探讨。

    Thirdly , the social public groups , especially the industry associations supervision responsibilities discussed .

  6. 本文即研究行政组织再造背景下公共团体的立法问题。

    Under this background , several countries resort to public bodys to undertake this administrative task .

  7. 劳动力转移的主体主要由政府、社会公共团体和家庭三方组成。

    The main body of labor transfer mainly by the government , the society public organizations and family of three parties .

  8. 它的天性来自于亚当斯密的“无形的手”而很少来自于公共团体的利他主义者。

    Its " goodness " stems less from all that guff about corporate altruism than from Adam Smith 's invisible hand .

  9. 此外、KCTU也计画召开由农人、低收入户及公共团体记者会谴责政府。

    In addition , it is scheuled to hold the mess indignation meeting composed of farmers , poor men and the citizen group .

  10. 情报公开法,是国家或地方公共团体集中规定公众的知情权和行政机关及其他国家机关的公开情报义务的立法总称。

    The Public Information Law is the legislation drafted by the government and organizations about the right of knowing the information for the public and the duty of revealing the information by those administrative units .

  11. 印度的公共卫生团体批评UNITAID只公布了它的实施计划的概要。

    Public health groups in India criticised UNITAID for publishing only a summary of its implementation plan .

  12. 第二章模式的支持者包括许多大型互联网公司、初创企业,以及公共利益团体。

    Supporters of the Title II model include many major Internet companies , start-ups and public interest groups .

  13. 另一方面,公共利益团体也警告,破坏性的分裂也摆在眼前。

    Public interest groups , on the other side , also warn that a damaging division may lie ahead .

  14. 这场活动由来自世界银行以外的专家主讲,参加者包括青年和妇女团体、智囊机构、大学、记者和公共政策团体。

    The event , featuring experts from outside the World Bank , was attended by youth and women 's groups , think tanks , universities , journalism and public policy groups .

  15. 法学家的技艺就是法学家深入社会、解剖社会,从社会中获得关于个人与个人之间、个人与特殊公共利益团体之间以及个人、特殊公共利益团体与国家之间关系的认识。

    The jurist 's skill is to go deep into and dissect the society , and to gain the knowledge about the relation between person and person , between person and group , among person , group and state .

  16. 注册为认可慈善机构或公共性质的信托团体的证书;

    Certificate of registration on the list of approved charitable institutions or trusts of a public character ;