
  • 网络Public welfare education;Commonwealth Education
  1. 在过去的10年中,政府努力用公益广告教育公众防范艾滋。

    Over the last decade , the government has worked hard at using advertisements to educate the public on fighting aids .

  2. 公司背靠于高校,利用高校人力和环境资源,为大学生提供公益创业教育和相关培训。

    Backed up by college and universities , our company also utilizes their talent and environment resources and also provides social entrepreneurship education and related training to college students .

  3. 他一直热心支持公益和教育事业的发展,曾任港九塑胶制造商联合会副会长等。

    He has been dedicated in supporting the development of community services and education , and held the position of Vice-President of Hong Kong and Kowloon Plastic Products Merchants United Association .

  4. 同时,既坚持了公益科普教育根本,又充分发挥资源效益,为广东科学中心注入了活力,开拓了“一体两环”的科学发展新路。

    The mode preserved public science educations as the foundation , while fully exert resource effects to energize GDSC for a new scientific development mode of " one body with two functions " .

  5. 这位第一夫人是优秀的律师公益服务者教育�

    a first lady whose life in service as attorney , public service , educator

  6. 国际教育服务贸易从公益性的教育国际交流与合作演变而来。

    Trade in international education services evolves from non-profit international cooperation and exchanges in education .

  7. 我国彩票公益金用于教育事业的政策研究

    The Study of the Policies of Investing Chinese Education Causes with Public Welfare Fund from Lottery

  8. 四公益金及教育金百分之五。

    Set aside as the public welfare fund and education fund not less than five percent .

  9. 教育的公益性就是教育服务的外部性,公益性和营利性是对立的。

    The public welfare of education is the exterior of educational service , and public welfare and profit making are contradictory .

  10. 一项追踪富豪捐款行为的研究发现,中国慈善家偏爱本地公益事业和教育机构。

    Chinese philanthropists favour local causes and educational institutions in particular , a study that tracks giving by billionaires has found .

  11. 作为集公益性、教育性、知识性、娱乐性于一体的图书馆有责任为孩子开辟一个绿色的网络空间。

    As a commonweal educational intellective and recreational institution , library has the accountability to build a green network space to children .

  12. 和氏璧化工热心公益、支持教育、关心青少年成长的善举受到各级领导和各界朋友的一致称赞。

    NCM was highly appreciated by various circles of the society for its public spirit , support to education and concerns to teenagers .

  13. 和谐发展的教育目的观、公益导向的教育设计观、义利结合的教育价值观、适当超前的教育发展观、有教无类的教育公平观构成了高等教育和谐发展的基本内涵。

    The basic connotation of harmonious higher education consists of harmonious aim , harmonious designation for commonweal , harmonious value idea , harmonious development and justice of education .

  14. 在政策领域,公益性校外教育政策以及政策中公益性话语的变迁既会影响校外教育的发展实践,同时又受到校外教育实践及社会实践的影响。

    In policy areas , the change in afterschool education policy not only will affect the development of practice of afterschool education , but also by practice of afterschool and social .

  15. 了解公益性校外教育政策话语与社会实践之间的相互建构的关系必将使我们对校外教育的公益性发展有更加清晰的认识,从而有利于公益性校外教育事业的发展。

    Understanding of interaction between discourse of afterschool education policy and social practice helps us understand public welfare of afterschool education clearly . thus contributing to public welfare development of afterschool education .

  16. 科技馆作为一个以科普展览为主要教育手段的公益性科普教育机构,场馆的建设和运营一直受到国家的财政支持。

    Science and technology museum , as a nonprofit science and education organization by means of regarding science exhibition as its main education method , the construction and operation of which has always been given financial support by the government .

  17. 基础教育新课改明确提出了社区服务课程,这门课程对于学生、学校与社区发展具有重要意义:它具有公益性、教育性、实践性与差异性特点;

    The community service course is presented in the curriculum reform on basic education , which has great significance for students and schools as well as for the development of communities . It possesses features of public welfare , education , practicality and diversity .

  18. 本部分通过研读公益性和现代教育、现代高等教育的关系,说明公益性是包括高等教育在内现代教育的共有属性和基本诉求。

    It is a common attribute of modern education including higher education .

  19. 公益性是校外教育发展中不变的追求。

    Public welfare is the pursuit of after school education .

  20. 国家、市场与公共教育关系的重新定位使得政府主导、产权明晰、主体多元和服务公益成为新型公共教育体制的突出特征。

    The re-evaluation of the relations of country , market and public education enables the new public educational system to have clear property rights and multi-subjectives .

  21. 教育的公益性是指教育所提供的产品或服务应该为广大的社会成员所共同占有,而不是被某个人或某个利益集团所单独享用。

    Educational public welfare refers to that the educational products and service should benefit all members of the society instead of being monopolized by certain individuals or communities .

  22. 自1994年以来,中国草根环保型公益组织依托环境教育和环境保护这两个基本服务领域,在获得良好社会反映的基础上进一步汲取资源。

    Since 1994 , Chinese grassroots and public-interest organizations have acquired good social response based on their public service in environmental education and environmental protection , which facilitate organizations resource mobilization .

  23. 公益广告具有社会教育、文化传播和舆论导向的宏观效果,其微观效果与传播者、传播内容、传播媒介、传播受众等都具有密切的联系。

    Public service advertising has great influence in social education , culture spreading and public opinion leading , and its micro-effect has close connection with the advertiser , content , media and audience .

  24. 学生体育权利公益诉讼是促进教育系统和体育系统资源整合维护学生体育权利的最直接途径。第六,学生体育权利之救济论。无救济即无权利。

    Students sports rights litigation promotes the education resource system and physical system integration , maintaining students rights in sports . Sixth , the students ' sports rights relief theory , no relief , no right .

  25. 以EESPIG(公益性私立高等教育机构)身份运营的非营利性商学院;

    some that operate as non-profits under the status of etablissement d'enseignement sup é rieur priv é d'int é r ê t g é n é ral ( private higher education institutions with a public interest ) ;