
  • 网络International class
  1. 今天我们在这里隆重举行南充高中第二届国际班毕业典礼。

    We are here today to hold a graduation ceremony of the second International Class of Nanchong Senior High School .

  2. 国际班是学习英语的好地方,我希望国际班的明天更美好。

    Angie : International Studies Class is a nice place to study English . I hope ISC gets better and better .

  3. 此外,新人还可以选择包场使用羽田机场的休息室,还可选择在机场内的大厅举办婚宴。根据这项新服务,情侣们可以乘坐波音777-300ER飞机举行婚礼,该飞机通常用于目前尚未投入运营的国际航班。

    All Nippon Airways in air travel amid the COVID-19 pandemic . Under the new service , couples can hold their wedding ceremonies aboard Boeing 777-300ER jets normally used for international flights that are not currently in operation .

  4. 植物细胞培育和生物技术进步国际训练班

    International Training Course on Advances in Plant Cell Culture and Biotechnology

  5. 联合国通信技术促进发展国际培训班

    United Nations International Training Course on Communications Technology for Developments

  6. 遥感应用于可再生资源国际训练班

    International Training Course on Remote Sensing Applications to Renewable Resources

  7. 应用卫星遥感进行生态环境动态监测遥感应用于环境评价和监测国际训练班

    International Training Course on Remote Sensing Applications for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring

  8. 中外国际合作班英语教学浅议

    Discussion on English Teaching in Sino-Foreign Joint Classes

  9. 解决冲突和种族问题国际训练班

    International Programme on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity

  10. 一根银针连四海&第三届中医针灸技术国际培训班在太原举行

    A Silver Needle Connects World ── The 3rd International Training Class of Traditional Chinese Medicine : Acupuncture and Moxibustion Technique opens at Taiyuan

  11. 从语言的交际功能、应用功能以及跨文化意识的培养等方面对中外国际合作班的英语教学进行了阐述。

    This paper discusses English teaching in Sino-Foreign Joint Classes from the aspects of communicative function of language , applied function of language and intercultural communication .

  12. 结合1998年意大利帕维亚大学国际研究班的实况,从设计环境、设计手法及建筑观三个方面,讨论了不同主题中多个层面叠置后产生的相干效果。

    This paper discusses the coherence of different discourses in architectural landscape , design medium and architectural outlook in light of the 1998 International Seminar in Pavia , Italy .

  13. 我们怀着巨大的悲痛得知大连医科大学影像艺术学院院长和国际硕士班项目创办人杨晓光先生辞世的消息。

    It is with immense sadness that we report the sudden death of Professor Yang Xiaoguang , Dean of Dalian College of Image Art and founder of the Photo MA programme .

  14. 王家卫与评论家、作家及电台主持游清源在国际大师班的台上进行了对谈,两人还参与了观众提问环节。整个采访、互动过程主要用粤语进行,伴有英语同声传译。

    Mr. Wong joined critic , writer and radio host Yau Ching-yuen for an onstage conversation and audience question-and-answer session , which was conducted primarily in Cantonese with simultaneous English translation .

  15. 国际大师班的主持人游清源说,这部电影给人这样一种感觉&宫二爱上了已婚的叶问,因为在影片中,他们通过书信来往多年。

    Mr. Yau , the master class 's moderator , suggested that the film gives the sense that ' Gong Er had fallen for the married Ip Man ' as they exchanged letters over the years .

  16. 这是王家卫在国际大师班上给大家上的最重要的一课,3月21日晚,数百名电影界专业人士、学生和影迷齐聚香港,聆听了这位著名电影人的心得。

    That was the key lesson from Wong Kar-wai as hundreds of film-industry professionals , students and movie fans turned out in Hong Kong Thursday night for a ' master class ' from the celebrated filmmaker .

  17. 基于此,联合国教科文组织远程教育教席系列国际研修班的首期品牌课程开发案例分析于10月22-25日在上海召开。

    Case Studies of Quality Curriculum Design and Development in Selected Subject Areas in ODL , which is the first issue of UNESCO Chair 's Serial of International Training Workshops , was hold on Oct. 22-25 , 2005 in Shanghai .

  18. 对第一届中美国际钢琴大师班(CAIPI)活动进行了介绍,对各位钢琴专家、大师的授课辅导要点、教学方法等进行了梳理。

    This paper summed up the first CAIPI ( China-US International Piano Instructors ) program from the points of teaching and tutorship b masters of piano .

  19. 第二届(李斯特)国际钢琴大师班侧记

    Two Articles on the Second International Liszt Master Classes

  20. 社会统计国际暑期学习班;

    International Summer School on social statistics ;

  21. 从此,国际大学预科班每年举办一次英国冬令营。

    Since then , IFP has held its winter camps once a year in the UK .

  22. 该校国际商务硕士班在北京开设的为期一年的课程中,很多人希望在中国工作。

    Of the section of the MIB class that spent a year in Beijing , many are enthusiastic about working there .

  23. 教学模式与学习支持服务:优质远程教育的关键&2006联合国教科文组织东亚远程教育教席国际系列研修班述评

    Teaching Model and Learning Support Service : Key to Quality Distance Education & Review of 2006 UNESCO Chair 's Serial International Training Workshops

  24. 通过蒙台梭利教育著作的翻译出版以及国际师资训练班的开设,蒙台梭利教育法在世界各国得到了广泛的传播,尤其是在美国。

    Through the translation and publication of Montessori 's education works and the founding of international teachers training courses , the Montessori 's education method is spread extensively in every counties in the world , especially in the United States .

  25. 1982年至2006年先后毕业于重庆建筑大学、重庆大学工商管理学院MBA研究生班和中欧国际工商学院CEO班。

    Graduated from Chongqing Jianzhu University in1982 and Chongqing University of MBA and Sino-Europe CEO class in2006 .

  26. 贝多芬《降E大调奏鸣曲》第一乐章解析&第三届中国国际钢琴比赛大师班讲座笔录

    An Analysis of the First Movement of Beethoven 's Sonata in Eb major

  27. 《教孩子学国际象棋(初级班)》是初级班版。

    " To teach kids chess ( Junior Class )" is the version of the primary classes .

  28. 学校有一个英语强化中心,可以照顾新来的国际学生和英语班的成年学生。

    It also has an Intensive English Centre on site to cater for newly-arrived international students as well as English classes for mature-age students .

  29. 在整理国际技巧裁判员学习班有关精神的基础上,重点就新规则和难度表的特点以及变化情况进行分析。

    This article mainly analyzes the characteristics and changes of the new code and difficulty table on the basis of reviewing relative contents of Class for Judges of National Acrobatics .