
  • 网络National symbol;national identity
  1. 食肉动物的缺乏使得不能飞的鸟类的数目得以迅猛发展。其中最著名的要属奇异鸟这一新西兰国家象征。

    The lack of predators enabled the development of high number of flightless birds , the most known is the Kiwi , the national symbol .

  2. 介绍了俄罗斯联邦的国家象征,概述俄罗斯图书馆利用国家象征对公民进行的爱国主义教育。

    The article introduced the national symbol of Russia , and outlined that using the national symbol carried on the patriotic education to the citizen in the Russias library .

  3. 在南非,皮斯托利斯被视为体育英雄和国家象征。

    Pistorius is regarded as a sports hero and national icon in South Africa .

  4. 无尾熊被视为是澳洲的国家象征。

    Koalas are considered an Australian national icon .

  5. 不过,中国并不是唯一的把龙作为国家象征的国度。

    China isn 't the only country to have the dragon as its symbol .

  6. 该组织目前主要攻击目标为阿尔及利亚国家象征性地标和外籍工作者。

    It has so far concentrated on attacking symbols of the Algerian state and foreign workers .

  7. 北京在世人的心目中不是一个普通的地名,而是庄严神圣的国家象征。

    Much more than a name of a city , Beijing is recognized as the symbol of national sovereignty and holiness .

  8. 勾画了土族民间信仰的宇宙观,分析了国家象征符号在民间信仰中的在场。

    Draw out the cosmology of Tus ' folk beliefs , analyze a nation symbol sign in the folk beliefs of present .

  9. 布伯所理想的未来犹太国家象征着一种历史悠久的犹太精神的复兴,在其中,犹太人将获得全面的自由发展。

    The ideal Jewish country of Buber represents a renaissance of Jewish spirituality in long history , in which Jews will get a full free .

  10. 自中世纪起,国王、上院和下院三位一体的议会就是英国的权力中心和国家象征。

    Since the medieval age , the Parliament , consisting of the House of Commons , the House of Lords and the sovereign , was the core of power and the symbol of the nation .

  11. 风筝的身体上有Trace中涉及的大约30个左右的国家的象征图案。

    The body of the kite features emblems of some 30 countries implicated in Trace .

  12. 风筝的身体上有“Trace”中涉及的大约30个左右的国家的象征图案。

    The body of the kite features emblems of some 30 countries implicated in " Trace . "

  13. 毕竟,两周前,白宫在未与20国集团(G20)其余国家进行象征性协调的情况下,宣布了所谓的沃尔克(Volcker)改革计划,令银行业为之震惊。

    After all , two weeks ago the White House startled the banking world by unveiling the so-called Volcker reform plan , without a token nod towards co-ordination with the rest of the G20 .

  14. 在Tafas的一个小镇,德拉的北部,成千上万个叙利亚人出席了葬礼,他们把怒气发泄到国家的象征上。

    Thousands of Syrians turned out for the funerals and in the small town of Tafas , just north of Deraa , they turned their anger on symbols of the state .

  15. 这座高三千七百七十六公尺的休眠火山对日本人而言是国家的象征。

    The3,776-meter dormant volcano is a national symbol for Japanese people .

  16. 女王是国家的象征。

    The Queen is the symbol of the whole nation .

  17. 患者是一个国家的象征吗?

    Is a patient a metaphor for a nation ?

  18. 因为国旗是国家的象征。

    Because the national flag is the symbol of a ( the ) country .

  19. 什么动物是你们国家的象征?

    What animals are symbols of your country ?

  20. 为什么?因为国旗是国家的象征。

    Why Because the national flag is the symbol of a ( the ) country .

  21. 相反,以天皇为首的明治绝对主对主义政权,却是日本人心中的国家的象征和骄傲。

    But the absolutely political power in Japan was pride of their nation and their country .

  22. 军服是军人穿着的制式服装,是一个国家的象征。

    Army uniform is the clothing worn by soldiers , which is a symbol of the country .

  23. 作为一个国家的象征,总统可以鼓励其他的人以某种方式去行动。

    As symbol of the nation , the President may encourage others to act in certain ways .

  24. 政府作为国家的象征和代表,其行为对全社会具有极大的影响力。

    As symbol and representative of nation , government has the tremendous influence on the whole society .

  25. 皇权在这个国家只是象征着其历史价值,并没有任何法律意义。

    Royal power in this country was only a symbol of historical value and had no legislative significance .

  26. 独立投票后,科索沃通过了一些国家的象征,包括国旗和国歌。

    After the independence vote , Kosovan MPs adopted a number of state symbols including a flag and anthem .

  27. 普京把自己定位在从多年的羞辱和衰弱中恢复过来的复兴国家的象征。

    Mr Putin has positioned himself as the symbol of a resurgent nation recovering from years of humiliation and weakness .

  28. 坐落于莫斯科的克里姆林宫是俄罗斯国家的象征,是世界上最大的建筑群之一。

    Located in Moscow , the Kremlin is a symbol of Russia and one of the world 's largest complexes .

  29. 蓟花因此被称为“护卫花”,苏格兰人为表达感激之情,把蓟花奉为国家的象征。

    Thus the flower became known as the " Guardian Thistle " and out of gratitude a national emblem of Scotland .

  30. 这些名山秀水作为国家的象征、江山社稷的缩影,理应进行严格保护。

    As a symbol of the country and a microcosm of the state , these famous sceneries should be strictly protected .