
  1. 这种议会制度是模仿了英国议会制度。

    The Parliamentary system is closely modeled on the Westminster system .

  2. 在与王权的斗争与妥协中,引导着英国议会制度的建立与发展。

    During the monarchical time , they were the social group with cohesion and creativity to combat and compromise with king , they established British parliamentary system .

  3. 立法辩论制度产生于西方政治文明,发源于英国议会制度,以追求平等、自由为价值核心。

    Legislative debate on the system arising from Western political civilization , originated in the British parliamentary system , in pursuit of equality , the core value of freedom .

  4. 英国议会代表制度演变剖析

    Analysis to the Evolvement of Britain Parliament Representation

  5. 封建地产制度直接塑造了英国的议会制度并且保留了地方自治的传统。

    The feudal real estate system directly molded England ` parliamentary system and retained the local autonomous tradition .

  6. 英国以议会制度为核心的独特的混合君主制在17世纪的形成,彰显出英国宪政革命浓厚的博弈色彩。

    With the emergence of the unique Mixed Monarchy in the 17th century , kernelled on the parliament , the English constitutional revolution displayed a strong color of game .

  7. 按照英国议会的制度,议会选举也决定首相人选,但是美国宪法规定分开选举总统和国会。

    In the British system , a parliamentary election also determines who shall be Prime Minister , but the American Constitution provides for separate election of President and Congress .

  8. 英国议会是世界议会之母,当欧洲大陆还处于中世纪专制黑幕的笼罩之中时,英国议会两院就已经制度化了。

    British parliament was " the mother of world parliament ", and when European continent was still in the tyranny system of Mediaeval Ages , British bicameral parliament had been institutionalized .