
  1. 一位叫英子的受访女性称,她怀孕以后感受到了来自男同事的压力,于是宣布自己离职去读MBA。

    Eiko , one of the women interviewed , felt pressure from her male colleagues to quit when she became pregnant and announced that she was leaving to do an MBA .

  2. 她的老板很精明地意识到这并不是英子真正想做的。

    Her clear-sighted boss realised that this was not what she really wanted to do .

  3. 英子随后转调香港分部,在那儿,不仅职业女性受到崇拜,而且雇请保姆的费用也相对低廉。

    Eiko transferred to Hong Kong , where career women are admired and nannies are cheap .

  4. 听说东帝汶老叔和英子结了婚,我到现在也不相信这是真的!

    Heard of East Timor and Eiko got married , I now do not believe that this is true !

  5. 而曾狂热爱着二子的英子最终也投入了麻杆的怀抱。

    In addition , his beloved Yingzi , who once loved him crazily , falls in love with Mangan in the end .