- 网络heroism

Our country doesn 't depend on the heroism of every citizen .
We 're eternally grateful for their courage , heroism , and sacrifice .
The heroic spirit of the revolution is confronted with the crass branding of western commercialism .
Game is made in the spirit of " heroes of magic and sword " and other excellent mobile strategies .
He touched the social problems caused by the separation between human and nature while most western people at the time were still indulged in the heroic spirit of Robinson .
The tragic conflicts between the heros character and the natural law , the action and its result offer the reader a new reading experience in heroism mingled with tragic features .
Thus the text of the novel has attained a special artistic charm by skillfully integrating the restrained eulogy of the heroic spirit and the genuine portrayal of the emotions of common people .
However , the spirit of Alger 's heroes has never left me ; I hope to pass it on to other children and teenagers through the legal system .
The two boy - heroes are free spirits .
Tempted by love , a symbol of the new epoch , Othello , a Homeric hero , a god of war , metaphorically participates in an initiation into the emerging new civilization , not without agony and suffering .
Workers and farmers is the production of material wealth , the hero of the production is spiritual wealth .
Heroes ' superior abilities embody " dynamical sublime " and heroic spirit manifests spiritual sublime , which inspire people in their aesthetic experience . Heroism in the two masterpieces shows common human nature .
Read a kind of adventurous spirit of the legendary hero of his career , I have been a deep struggle of the heroic tenacity of the indomitable spirit and the soul of a shock .
Ernest Hemingway , the American modern novelist , figuring the hero type of Ernest hemingway in his works , has become the spirit watcher of Hero mythology of 20th among western literature where the hero is absent .
Besides , heroes in traditional epics start a war in order to pursue earthly fortune .