
  • 网络Proverb;english proverb
  1. 名誉失之易,而得之难。(英语谚语)

    A good name is easier lost than won . ( English Proverb )

  2. 英语谚语翻译策略比较

    Analysis on the Translation Strategy of English Proverb

  3. 有一句英语谚语这样说道:"只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。"

    In English , people say , " All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy . "

  4. 有关Mouse和Rat的英语谚语及其汉译研究

    On English Proverbs Containing Mouse or Rat and Their Chinese Translation

  5. 英语谚语与汉语谚语冲突(Conflict),即英语谚语与汉语谚语用同样的词汇和表达方式来表达不同的意思。

    Conflict means Chinese proverbs and English proverbs express different connotative meanings with the linguistically same terms .

  6. 本文将英语谚语与汉语谚语进行对比,并分成四类:英语谚语与汉语谚语偶合(Overlapping),即英语谚语与汉语谚语用同样的词汇和表达方式来表达同样的意思;

    In this thesis , proverbs are classified into four categories after comparison of English and Chinese proverbs : Overlapping , Parallelism , Exclusion and Conflict . Overlapping means Chinese proverbs and English proverbs express the same or similar connotative meanings with the same terms by coincidence ;

  7. 英语谚语的比喻结构及其翻译

    On the Figure of Speech and Translation of the English Proverbs

  8. 英语谚语的修辞手法和翻译策略研究

    Brief Analysis of Rhetorical Figures and Translation Strategy in English Proverbs

  9. 美国人的时间观在英语谚语中的折射

    English Proverbs : A Mirror of Americans ' View of Time

  10. “慈善起自家中”,是一句英语谚语。

    " Charity begins at home " is an English saying .

  11. 试论英语谚语中的重复与对称

    On the Rhetorical Figures of English Proverbs & Repetition and Symmetry

  12. 第四章是对挑选的英语谚语进行详细的分析。

    Chapter Four is a detailed analysis of the selected English proverbs .

  13. 有些英语谚语是无法恰到好处地译成汉语的。

    Some English proverbs cannot be done into Chinese satisfactorily .

  14. 网上找到的英语谚语,觉得不错。

    A good translation of English proverbs online , enjoy .

  15. 论英语谚语的艺术性、思想性和民族性

    On the Artistry , Ideology and Nationalism of English Proverbs

  16. 行为是一英语谚语面镜子,每一私都把本身的景显现于其中。

    Behavior is a mirror in whelloch every one shows hellos image .

  17. 英语谚语的修辞和汉译特点

    Characteristics of Rhetoric Devices and E-C Translation of Proverbs

  18. 英语谚语创作与修辞手法

    Figures of Speech in the Creation of English Proverbs

  19. 谚语:语言的精品&浅议英语谚语

    Proverb : a Gem of Language - A Brief Commentary on English Proverbs

  20. 汉译英语谚语在理解和表达方面的问题研究

    A Research into the Comprehension and Expression in the Translation of English Proverbs

  21. 第四章,主要讨论文化策略在英语谚语教学中的应用。

    Chapter four introduces the application of the cultural strategy to teaching English .

  22. 英语谚语中的迷信内容及翻译

    On superstitious beliefs in English proverbs and their translation

  23. 英语谚语的民族特点探析

    An Analysis on the National Features of English Proverbs

  24. 试论英语谚语汉译的语言运用

    The Language Employed in Translating English Proverbs into Chinese

  25. 你知道关于笑的一句英语谚语吗?

    Do you know an English saying about laughter ?

  26. 英语谚语比喻结构分析

    An Analysis on the Figurative Structure of English Proverbs

  27. 英语谚语语言优美,含义深刻,是英语语言的精华,深受英、美等世界许多其它国家人民的喜爱。

    English proverbs are the essence in English language .

  28. 英语谚语在主题教学中的运用

    The Application of Proverbs to the Themed-based Model

  29. 浅析英语谚语中修辞格的运用

    Usage of Figures of Speech in English Proverbs

  30. 论医学英语谚语的汉译

    How to Translate Medical English Proverbs into Chinese