
  • 网络The King;crown;King James;King or Queen
  1. 以前英王驾崩导致议会解散。

    Demise of the Crown formerly caused a dissolution of Parliament .

  2. 一张皇家的特许状,使马萨诸塞州殖民地免受英王直接干涉

    A royal charter exempted the Massachusetts colony from direct interference by the Crown

  3. 我们的很多部队和军官分驻世界各地的英属殖民地,为英王效力。

    Many of our troops and officers were scattered around the world in the service of His Majesty in the colonies .

  4. 英王爱德华八世于1936年退位。

    King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 .

  5. 纵观整个英王乔治及维多利亚统治时期(GeorgianandVictorianperiods),随着分工越发明确、装饰越发精巧的餐具的出现,餐位餐具的摆放也越趋复杂。

    Throughout the Georgian and Victorian periods place settings expanded with great armouries of increasingly specialised and elaborately decorated utensils .

  6. CNN特派员洁茵·维尔吉:英王亨利在这张桌子上写了这封信,而这张桌子属于阿拉贡的凯瑟琳所有,当时他们饱受毁谤的难堪婚姻还没结束。

    ZAIN VERJEE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : King Henry wrote that letter on this desk belonging to Catherine of Aragon , who he was scandalously still married to .

  7. 关于曼纳和公主的谈话,民间有各种传言。有的说,曼纳告诉公主“是意志的力量”。其他版本说,英王乔治六世(GeorgeVI)让曼纳卷起裤管,要看看他的腿是不是钢做的。

    Myths gathered round that conversation . Some said Manna-da had told the princess that " Strength is in the mind . " Others said that the king , George VI , had made him roll up his trousers to see if his legs were made of steel .

  8. 英王爱德华行动迟缓。

    Edward , king of England , was slow to move .

  9. 美国独立战争发生在英王乔治三世统治时期。

    The American Revolution took place during the reign of George III.

  10. 1932年他访问了欧洲,并为英王演出。

    In1932 he visited Europe and played for King of England .

  11. 他曾一度在英王杯赛中获得亚军。

    He had once been runner-up for the king 's cup .

  12. 英王陛下政府将支持这种政策。

    His Majesty 's Government will associate themselves with this policy .

  13. 英王爱德华八世娶了离异的辛普森夫人后退位。

    King Edward VIII abdicated when he married the divorced Mrs simpson .

  14. 「耶和华(道德)的律法完美,能叫灵魂回转。」(英王钦定版圣经直译)

    The law of the Lord is perfect , converting the soul .

  15. 他说自己是英王威廉一世的后裔。

    He says he is descended from William the conqueror .

  16. 向英王的军队臣服。

    rode out topay homage to the armies of the English king .

  17. 1858年之后,英王开始实施对印度的直接统治。

    After 1858 , the British queen started her direct rule of India .

  18. 英王亨利八世与西班牙凯瑟琳公主结婚。

    1509 Henry V ⅲ married Spanish Princess Catharine .

  19. 英王查理一世遭斩首。

    King Charles I had his head cut off .

  20. 英王稍许停步,但声色不动。

    The king just hesitated for a slight moment and continued quite unperturbed .

  21. 你知道英王爱德华八世放弃王位的原因吗?

    Do you know the reason of King Edward the 8th 's abdication ?

  22. 卡利南一号后来镶嵌在了英王权杖上。

    Later , the Cullinan I was placed in the monarch 's scepter .

  23. 爱德华八世放弃英王地位时,他使整个世界感到惊讶。

    When Edward VIII abdicated the British throne , he surprised the entire world .

  24. 安妮。博琳是英王亨利的第二个妻子。

    Henry 's family trouble did not end with his marriage to Ann Boleyn .

  25. 为了英王的荣耀你已尽力而为了。

    You have already done everything which is necessary for the honor of your prince .

  26. 属于或关于英王爱德华七世时代的,或有那个时代的特征的。

    Of or relating to or characteristic of the era of Edward VII in England .

  27. 评乾隆帝致英王乔治三世的敕谕

    On the Imperial Edicts Written to the English Emperor George ⅲ by the King Qianlong

  28. 英王爱德华三世的长子被称为黑王子。

    The oldest son of King Edward III went under the name of the black Prince .

  29. 他能在其兄长退位后加冕成为英王。

    He would ascend to the throne after his brother abdicated ( see following slide ) .

  30. 英王正举步走篷车门阶时,突然传来巨大的爆炸声。

    Just as his Majesty was stepping up into the truck , there was a sudden loud explosion .