
  1. 英国选举活动持续叁周。

    Election campaigns in Britain run for three weeks .

  2. 英国选举制度会改变吗?

    Will the UK voting system change ?

  3. 继绪论交待研究对象和研究方法之后,第一章从历史的角度阐述英国选举制度的演变。

    After introducing the main issue and theoretical approaches , the first chapter traces the development of British system of election .

  4. 本文通过考察英国选举制度的历史演化、制度构建、理论渊源,旨在讨论政治学的一个核心理论问题,即代议制理论的形成和发展问题。

    The paper outlines the history , construction and theory of the British electoral system . through which , it discusses a core problem of political science , that is , the framing and developing of the theory of representation .

  5. 果然,西尔弗和他的同事本劳德戴尔(BenLauderdale)试图预测去年英国的选举结果时搞砸了。

    Sure enough , when Silver and his colleague Ben Lauderdale tried to predict last year 's UK election result , their performance was woeful .

  6. 院议员是英国人民选举出来的代表。

    Members of Parliament are the elected representatives of the British people .

  7. 男性参与在19世纪英国妇女选举权运动中的作用

    On Male Involvement 's Function in the Movement of British Women 's Suffrage in 19th Century

  8. 下议院由议会议员组成,议员由英国人民选举出来,为他们管理国家。

    The House of Commons is made up of Members of Parliament who are elected by the people of Great Britain to run the country for them .

  9. 有一位与会者推荐英国的议会选举。

    One of the panellists suggested the UK parliamentary elections .

  10. 在大多数国家,这种领先幅度就算比较可靠了,但英国奇特的选举计算方法却对保守党不利。

    Recent polls still put the Tories ahead of Labour , but often by smaller margins .

  11. 上周五英国大选初步选举结果显示,没有政党赢得绝对多数选票,因此产生“无多数议会”。

    The British general election has produced a " hung parliament " as no party wins an absolute majority , preliminary results showed Friday .

  12. 他表示抗议者不会满足于他下台,因为他们的目标是让中央推翻之前对这块前英国殖民地选举制度改革作出的计划,梁振英说此事的机会等于零。

    He said protesters would not be satisfied with his departure because their goal was to get China to reverse course on a plan for electoral reform in the former British colony – something that he said had zero chance of happening .

  13. 英国保守党在选举中失败。

    The Tories lost the election .

  14. 年英国妇女获得议会选举权

    In Britain women were enfranchised in 1918 . 1918

  15. 英国传统的投票选举日是星期四。

    Thursday is traditionally the day when Britain goes to the polls .

  16. 谁会改革英国不公正的选举制度?

    Who will reform britain 's unfair electoral system ?

  17. 1918年英国妇女获得议会选举权。

    In Britain women were enfranchised in 1918 .

  18. 但是,至于《临时空缺》,它产生了一个小低潮,一本关于英国小镇上议会选举的小说。

    But it creates a slight anti-climax in the case of The Casual Vacancy , a novel concerning a parish council election in a small West Country town .

  19. 在英国国内,这次选举意义重大,因为在经历了十五年强劲而稳固的发展之后,英国的经济严重衰退,曾受英统治的金融世界混乱不堪,英国因此遭受冲击而脱离发展轨道。

    It matters domestically because Britain , after a decade and a half of strong , steady growth , has been knocked off track by savage recession and turmoil in the financial world it once dominated .

  20. 在英国,反欧盟的英国独立党在选举中拔得头筹,赢得了英国在欧洲议会73个席位中的三分之一。

    In Britain , the anti-EU UK Independence Party topped the vote , and now holds a third of Britain 's 73 seats in the European Parliament .

  21. 因为英格兰在历史上一直都是英国的核心,而且至今为止仍是英国有选举权的人口最多和面积最大的部分,它与英国的关系,和苏格兰、威尔士或北爱尔兰与英国的关系比较有些不同。

    Because England is essentially the historical core of the uk , and also by far the largest constituent part in population and area , its relationship to the UK is somewhat different to that of scotland , Wales or northern ireland .

  22. 英国经济日益恶化,但布朗正打算将下一届英国选举定位于自己承诺投资公共服务与保守党减税计划之间的陈腐的意识形态对抗。

    The economy is sinking but Mr Brown is casting the next election in Britain as a tired ideological fight between his pledges to invest in public services and Conservative plans to cut taxes .