
  • 网络multiplication table
  1. 当他经过我身边,我听到他正在背诵乘法口诀表。

    When he passed me , I heard him reciting the multiplication tables .

  2. 让学生们练习乘法口诀表;

    Drill pupils in the multiplication taBles ;

  3. 他不知道11的乘法口诀。

    He didn 't know his eleven-times table

  4. 很多人都不会拼写字母或者背乘法口诀表,

    Many do not know the alphabet or multiplication table ,

  5. 三七二十一的直接来源,是佛教经典中的期限数三七,同时,中国文化数和一般乘法口诀,亦起到了加强的作用。

    What is more , Chinese cultural numbers and the rhyme of multiplication also function in the wide use of the expression .

  6. 有些内容短时间内无法用英语取代汉语,比如乘法口诀,数字的具体运算过程,不能强迫学生学习。

    Math teachers can 't force the students to express in English while dealing with some relatively difficult contents such as multiplication table and the processes of the concrete operations .

  7. 老师给你一张乘法口诀表,希望看到你带回家把它们背熟,而不是问一些诸如乘法是什么这类的问题。

    The teacher Pithy Formula give you a multiplication table , hope to see you back home to their meaning , not the multiplication such as what this kind of question .

  8. 此前在湘西里耶古城出土的一枚秦简上也发现了距今2200多年的乘法口诀表,并被考证为中国现今发现的最早的乘法口诀表实物。

    Previously , another 2200-year-old bamboo strip from the Qin Dynasty with the carving of the multiplication table was found in the ancient Liye City in western Hunan Province , which is the earliest calculation table ever found in China .

  9. 首相支持让每一位孩子在小学毕业之前都要测试乘法表口诀的计划。

    The Prime Minister backed plans for every child to be tested on their times table when they leave primary school .