
  • 网络teaching element;teaching factors
  1. 从体育教学要素角度浅谈高校体育教学改革

    On PE Teaching Reform from PE Teaching Factors

  2. 各种教学要素之间的冲突和矛盾最终交汇于教学方法,从而使高等学校教学活动充满活力和魅力。

    A variety of teaching conflicts and contradiction between the teaching factors converged on the methodology , which makes a livingness and highlight in college teaching activities .

  3. 论课堂教学要素的最优化

    On the Optimization of Essential Teaching Elements in Classrooms

  4. 英语易混淆词的教学要素谈

    On the Essentials in Teaching Confusing English Words

  5. 合理分析与组织教学要素;

    Rationally analyze and organize teaching items ;

  6. 第一部分:中学思想政治课性质、任务和教学要素。

    Chapter One presents the characteristics , tasks and teaching elements of ideological and political class .

  7. 大量的关于论证新课程标准和教学要素之间辩证关系的研究也层出不穷。

    Many studies have been carried out for studying the dialectic relations between New English Curriculum Standards and teaching elements .

  8. 从其它教学要素的角度阐述了网络教学系统的功能,并提出适合物理探究式教学的信息化物理实验室的功能和基本构成。

    It expounds the function of web-based teaching and how to build the informalization lab to meet the need of physics Inquiry teaching .

  9. 阅读教学要素是构成阅读教学活动(系统)的单元或元素,它们是构成教学活动的充分必要条件。

    Teaching reading is an element of teaching reading unit or elements , and it is necessary and sufficient condition in the formation of teaching activities .

  10. 主要教学要素包括:提出问题、猜测影响因素及与因素可能的关系、设计实验、确定实验过程步骤、进行实验并记录数据、分析实验数据、验证与评价、合作与交流。

    The key elements are : raising questions , forecasting the factors involved , experiment design , determination of experimental procedures , validation and evaluation , cooperation and communication .

  11. 它借助现代化的电子通讯设备,把时空上分离的教学要素,通过网络空间结合在一起,大大扩展了人们交往的时空范围。

    It uses modern electronic facilities to connect through networks teaching with learning parties who used to be separate , thus greatly extending the space and time for people to interact .

  12. 第三章,阐释了华文教育的基本教学要素,指出了当代华文教育的教育目的、培养目标和教学目标。

    Chapter Three , by elucidating the essentials in Chinese Language and Culture Education , points out the educational objectives , cultivation objectives and teaching objectives in contemporary Chinese Language and Culture Education .

  13. 经过对选项动机、教学要素、教师素质、教学评价等方面进行分析,发现有许多问题值得研究和改进。

    After analysing the motives of selection , the paper concluded that essential factors of teaching , qualities of teachers and evaluation of teaching , many aspects remain to be researched and improved .

  14. 《学记》作为中国教育史上的一朵奇葩,其中蕴含着惠及千年后代的教育思想,随着基础教育改革的迅速推进,语文学科中各种教学要素的均衡与和谐受到了广泛的关注。

    " XueJi " as a wonderful work in the history of Chinese education , contains the ideological education which benefits the offspring . With the rapidly advancement of the reform of basic education , the harmonious elements of Chinese teaching disciplines have got much attention .

  15. 本段落包含了一份描述16.812教学方式要素的白皮书。(PDF)。

    This section contains a white paper ( PDF ) which describes elements of the course pedagogy of16.812 .

  16. 学校体育中武术教学七要素

    On the Seven Essential Factors of Wushu Teaching in School Sports

  17. 速滑课教学效率要素分析

    Analysis of the Essential Factor of Teaching Efficiency in Skating Class

  18. 体育教学效率要素分析

    The Analysis of the Elements of Raising PE Teaching Efficiency

  19. 教学基本要素及其运行方式构建

    Essential Teaching Factors and the Construction of Their Operating Patterns

  20. 素质教育视角下的俄语教学三要素

    Three Key Elements of Russian Teaching from the Perspective of Quality Education

  21. 高校课堂教学评价要素的反思和重建

    Rethinking & Reconstruction of Classroom Teaching Assessment Elements in College

  22. 对体育课堂教学基本要素结构优化的研究

    On the Optimization of Structuring the Essential Factors in a PE Class

  23. 课堂英语教学构成要素对比分析

    Comparison and Analysis of the Elements in Classroom Language Teaching

  24. 关于体育教学三要素和控制的探讨

    Research on three elements and control in P.E teaching

  25. 基于多元智能观的教学设计要素再认识

    Recognization of Instructional Technology Elements under Influence of Multi-Intelligences

  26. 大学英语教学评价要素体系研究

    Evaluative Element System Study of College English Teaching

  27. 成功教学的要素是什么?

    What are the essentials of good teaching ?

  28. 论交往教学的要素

    On the crucial components of contact teaching

  29. 勤奋是成功的重要因素。成功教学的要素是什么?

    Hard work is an important factor in success . What are the essentials of good teaching ?

  30. 高校扩招后课堂教学三要素和开放式教学浅析

    Analysis on Three Essential Factors of Class Teaching and Opening Network Teaching after Enrollment Enlarging of College