
  1. 卡格女士作为加拿大教育代表团成员,在2006年访问了北京的学校。

    Mrs Coggles visited schools in Beijing in2006 as part of a Canadian educational delegation .

  2. 切斯特•芬恩所在的托马斯•福德姆研究所,是一个教育智囊团,它对普及性学前教育不感兴趣。

    Chester Finn of the Thomas Fordham Institute , an education think-tank , is no fan of universal preschool .

  3. 模范华文教师可获得奖杯一座,现金500元及参加特别组织的中国教育考察团。

    All winners will receive a $ 500 cash voucher , a free study trip to China and a trophy each .

  4. 中国电子学会于今年初派出在职教育考察团,对美国电子学界、电子企业界和教育界的在职教育状况,作了近一个月的考察访问。

    Early this year , at the invitation of the American Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers , the Chinese Institute of Electronics sent a Mid-Career Education Study Delegation to the United States .

  5. 加州圣马特奥教育健康智囊团ClaytonChristensenInstitute的执行董事迈克尔&12539;霍恩(MichaelHorn)如此评价:一瞬间,知识的海洋就向他们敞开了怀抱。

    ' All of a sudden , the world opens up to them , ' says Michael Horn , executive director of education for the Clayton Christensen Institute , a San Mateo , Calif. , education and health-care think tank .

  6. 高校体育教育专业开设团体操普修课的可行性研究

    Research on the Possibility of Offering the Regiment Gymnastics as a Common Course of the Professional Physical Education at College

  7. 全国妇联更新家庭教育观念报告团巡回演讲活动正是落实2001-2010年《中国儿童发展纲要》提出的家庭教育目标的具体行动。

    The reporting team of changing ideas on family education organized by the ACWF is a specific reflection on the implementation of the National Program of Action for Children 's Development in China ( 2001-2010 ) .

  8. 思想政治教育为高校艺术团建设提供思想保证。

    Ideological and political education provides an ideological guarantee for the college Art Troupe construction .

  9. 美国社会推行的电子工程继续教育&中国电子学会在职教育考察团访美侧记中国电子学会代表团访问美国

    Continuing Education in the Electronics Field of the U. S. & The CIE 's Visit to the IEEE THE DELEGATION OF THE CHINESE ELECTRONICS SOCIETY VISITED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

  10. 美国的远程教育及启示&江苏电大远程教育考察团赴美考察报告

    American Distance Education and Its Enlightenment : An Investigation Report of the Distance Education in the USA

  11. 教育工作者可通过加强大学生人生观教育,创新高校团组织建设,广泛开展社团活动等途径预防大学生网络成瘾现象的发生。

    Educators may prevent the occurrence by many methods , such as strengthening philosophical education toward college students , innovating the construction of committee of youth league in college , developing league 's activities , and so on .

  12. 教育政策的制定受到政治、经济、教育理念、智囊团等因素的不同程度的影响。

    The stipulation of the educational policies is affected by such factors as politics , economy , educational concept , think tank , etc.

  13. 女子社会教育模式由平民学校、平民教育促进会、平民教育讲演团、工人补习学校、工人夜校、农村补习教育社、工助互助团、报刊杂志等部件组成。

    The female social education pattern consisted of populace school , populace education promoting committee , populace education lecturing committee , workers ' continuation school , workers ' night school , rural continuation institute , workers'mutual help group , newspapers and magazines etc.

  14. 系统分析了高校共青团工作所面临的形势与环境,阐释了教育体制改革后高校共青团面临的新问题,提出了适应教育体制改革高校团组织建设的工作思路与方法。

    Systematically analyses the situations and environment the CYL work of colleges and universities faces with , states the new problems the CYL work encounteres after education reform , puts forward the work thinking and ways to build the CYL of colleges and universities in order to adapt education reform .