
  • 网络Education Union;aeu;Australian Education Union
  1. 关于改进基层教育工会履职现状的研究

    Research on Improving Current Fulfillment Situation of School Educational Labor Union

  2. 关于推动教育工会工作的思考

    On a Consideration of Pushing Educational Trade Union Work Forward

  3. 为新时期教育工会群体工作出谋划策。

    The article gives counsels for education labour union colony in the new period .

  4. 发挥教育工会作用,努力构建和谐校园

    Bring the Role of Trade Union into Full Play for Building a Harmonious Campus

  5. 论教育工会与青年教师思政工作

    On the Educational Labor Union and the Political and Ideological Work of Young Teachers

  6. 但在当前的实践中,基层教育工会履职不到位现象普遍,亟待改进。

    However , in current practice , the phenomenon of educational labor union 's unfulfilment is general , which needs improvement urgently .

  7. 本研究旨在探讨我国教育工会在教师权益保障中的地位和作用。

    The purpose of this thesis is to probe into the status and function of teacher union in protecting teachers ' rights and interests .

  8. 一般性的教育工会政治理论研究多,专业性的教育工会经济和社会理论政策研究少;

    There are many studies on general political theory of educational labor union , there is few professional research on economical and social theoretical policy of educational labor union ;

  9. 接着考察了新中国成立以来教育工会的发展历程及其现状,分析了影响教育工会在教师权益保障中的地位和作用的因素。

    Then , the paper is reviewing the development course of teacher union after liberation and its present phenomena , and analyzes the obstacle that affects teacher union to perform its function .

  10. 囿于教育工会系统内部的工会思维工会话语比较多,社会科学界通用的学术规范和研究方法比较少。

    There are many union thinking and union words which are limited in the system of educational labor union , there is few academic criterion and study method that is commonly used in social science .

  11. 一个教育工会成员,马丁-詹姆森,指出英国的“课程之间的不平等是所有富有国家中最大的”,这是它的学生表现不好的主要原因。

    Martin Johnson , an education trade unionist , points to Britain 's " inequality between classes , which is among the largest in the wealthiest nations " as the main reason why its pupils underperform .

  12. 本研究从我国教师权益保障体系分析入手,指出教育工会在教师权益保障体系设计中严重缺位,维权有效性不高。

    The study begins with analyzing the system of protecting teachers ' rights and interests , and points out that teacher union is absent in the system of protecting teachers ' rights and interests , whose effect is not good .

  13. 工会经费主要用于基层职工的教育和工会开展的其他活动。

    Trade union funds shall be used primarily to educate workers at the grass-roots level and for the union to arrange other activities .

  14. 把目光投向企业之外,努力物色具备政府、教育、医疗和工会工作经验的人,这将增强董事会的社会多样性。

    An effort to look beyond business to people with experience of government , education , health and trade unions would increase the social mix .

  15. 通过政府树立教育导向,依靠工会搭建教育平台,依托社区构筑教育网络;最后要引导需要心理,优化新生代农民工的需要认知。

    Set up the direction of education by government , and build terrace of education by the trade union . Besides , construct the network of education by community . The last , guide the psychology of need to optimize their cognition about need .

  16. 后来,受到良好教育的爸爸接手了教育工会的工作,为那些高级专业人才和受到良好教育的人士能得到更多的生活保障而努力。

    Educated dad then took up the cause of the teachers union , campaigning for further protection and benefits for these highly skilled and educated professionals .