
  • 网络Personal values;individual values
  1. 例如,人们主动表达无私相关的个人价值观,扩大他们的经验范围并加强社交关系。

    For example , people volunteer to express personal values related to unselfishness , to expand their range of experiences , and to strengthen social relationships .

  2. 在孙女士的开场白中,她这样解释,道德行为受个人价值观和机构道德气氛这两种因素的共同影响。

    In here introductory remarks , Sun explains that ethical behavior depends both on personal values and the ethical climate of a company .

  3. 拥抱变革,但也要坚守个人价值观。

    Open arms to change , but do not let go of your values .

  4. 物质主义价值观是一种强调以物质拥有为重心的个人价值观。

    Materialism is the kind of personal value which emphasizes on the occupying of mater .

  5. 他们忽略了两个普遍存在的误解,而是去根据平等和个人价值观有关的真相做出行动。

    They ignore two common misconceptions and act instead on truths about equality and individual value .

  6. 基于价值观的领导是以领导者个人价值观为原动力进行领导。

    The leader based on values regards leader individual 's values as motive power and carries on leaders .

  7. 因为人们对这件事的认知是建立在个人价值观和经验的基础上的。

    The meaning they attach to the word are complex beliefs arising from their own values and experiences .

  8. 组织成员个人价值观具有社会导向时,对组织和生产管理层面培训需求持肯定态度;具有和谐导向时,对组织与企业文化层面持肯定态度;

    When the staff 's individual value described as free and harmonious guidance , they will take an affirmative attitude towards training demand .

  9. 当你的个人价值观受到探视,或者你面临道德上的两难问题,你要如何响应?

    Describe a time when your personal values were tested or your faced an ethical dilemma and how you responded to the situation .

  10. 今津景用具象写实的笔法,描绘了变化不定的个人价值观。而大河原爱则采用更加直接的手法,剖开人的肉体,展现躯体内的人文精神。

    Imazu Kei describes his changeable personal values with skills of realistic painting while Ohkawara Ai employs a more direct method-dissecting human body to show inner humanity .

  11. 第四部分:从妇女运动和个人价值观方面分析造成妇女问题的主观原因。

    In the fourth part , the author analyzes the subjective reasons of the women 's questions from the values and institutional mechanisms of the Iranian women 's organizations .

  12. 个人价值观和中学生对英语阅读材料的种类以及题材或内容的选择之间有怎样的相关性?

    The third objective is to examine the relationship between the personal value system of high school students and their preferences for subjects as well as genres of English reading materials .

  13. 在不时转换岗位与行业上,螺旋型模式与之类似,不过区别在于,这些转换是有目的的,遵循了兴趣、环境和个人价值观的变化。

    The spiral model looked similar in terms of periodic job and industry changes , but differed in that these changes were purposive , following changing interests , circumstances and personal values .

  14. 我一贯的观点是,这些方面最好要分开考虑,不要放入一个总体指标当中一起衡量——这个指标反映出的必然是指标创建者的个人价值观。

    My view has always been that these matters are best considered separately rather than combined in an overall measure that inevitably reflects the personal values of those who draw it up .

  15. 阐述了个人价值观是影响消费者行为决策的强大力量,在进行品牌定位时,品牌价值要迎合目标消费者的个人价值观。

    It shows that the brand value should meet the target consumers ' personal values while positioning the brand because the personal values are the strong power of influencing consumer behaviour decision .

  16. 为了使自我评价更有效地发挥作用,个人价值观,兴趣,个性和能力都应该纳入考虑的范围,让我们来看看自我评价的各种方法吧。

    In order to be effective , a self assessment must take into account an individual 's values , interests , personality and aptitudes . Let 's take a look at the types of tools you can use to accomplish this .

  17. 在此假设基础上,本文认为财务人员行为的差异在于其收益较之成本的差异,此差异来源于个人价值观的不同,意识形态在遵守职业道德中是否起着决定性的作用。

    Based on this hypothesis , this paper thinks that the difference of the accountants ' behavior lies in the difference of his benefit and cost . This difference comes from different values , the ideology plays a decisive role in complying with the professional ethics .

  18. 西方个人主义价值观与美国精神

    The Idea of Individualism in the West and American Spirit

  19. 它代表的是西方的个人主义价值观。

    He stands for the western values of individualism .

  20. 试论晚期希腊哲学的个人伦理价值观

    The Individual Ethics and Value in Late Greek Philosophy

  21. 从好莱坞电影看美国的个人英雄主义价值观

    From Hollywood to see American values of individual heroism

  22. 西方个人主义价值观研究

    A study of the values of Western individualism

  23. 这些都会从整体上塑造一个人的价值观,使他认为世界是一个悲伤之地。

    It can shade one 's outlook on the whole that the world is a sadder place .

  24. 个人组织价值观匹配对组织承诺的影响&不同所有制企业的差异

    The Impact of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Commitment : A Comparative Research on Enterprises of Different Ownership

  25. 简单的翻译就是:美国人对隐私的重视和他们个人主义价值观密切相关。

    The importance Americans assign to privacy is closely associated with the value they place on individualism .

  26. 美国人对隐私的重视与他们的个人主义价值观密切相关。

    Closely associated with the value they place on individualism is the importance Americans assign to privacy .

  27. 个人的价值观、功利观是学习、创造和发明、发现的动力归因之一。

    Personal value outlook and utilitarianism is one of motives for studying , creating and inventing and discovering .

  28. 网络媒介所虚拟的社会现实,不断影响、界定、修改个人的价值观与行为。

    The virtual reality created by Internet Medium constantly influence , define and modify individual 's value and behavior .

  29. 但真正的问题可能涉及一个人的价值观或在这段关系中的权力。

    But the real problem could be about a person 's sense of value or power in the relationship .

  30. 古代的自然环境、近代的文艺复兴和宗教改革都促进了西方个人主义价值观的形成。

    The ancient natural environment , the modern Renaissance and the religion reform accelerate the western individualism to come into being .