
  • 网络Autobiography;personal statement
  1. 例如有人对个人自传、学术话语、广告语篇、政治演讲稿、旅馆宣传册等进行人际功能研究。

    For instance , people did study on autobiography , advertisement , politic speech , hotel brochure from the perspective of interpersonal function .

  2. 资料来源于未管所的个案,具体包括三个部分,个案访谈、个人自传与问卷调查数据,其中问卷调查只是作为辅助性的资料。

    The data collected from Wei Guan Suo includes three parts , the case interviews , personal autobiography and the questionnaire survey , in which the survey is only as supplementary information .

  3. 当他将这些片段剪辑在一起时,一段无比真实的个人自传就诞生了。

    He then stitched together the result : a devastatingly plausible biography of a real person .

  4. 他一生创作了七部小说,五部短篇故事集,以及三部个人自传。

    In his whole creative life , Anderson composed seven novels , five collections of short stories and three personal narratives .

  5. 在前两年以单口相声演员的身份在美国大获成功之后,41岁的黄西回到中国宣传个人自传&《黄瓜的黄,西瓜的西》。

    After achieving success as a stand-up comedian in the US for the past two years , the 41-year-old has returned to China to publicize his book The Tao of Humor : An Autobiography by Joe Wong .

  6. 另外两篇则为本课程相关资讯-个人回忆录、自传、调查、其它非小说的叙述或具说服力的短论。

    The other two assignments will be essays related to the material of the course-personal memoir , autobiography , investigation , or other nonfiction narrative or persuasive essay .

  7. 《迷魂记》和《公民凯恩》有何伟大之处?撇开会让我们争论一整天的技术和艺术问题,真正吸引我的是,这两部电影都具有强烈的个人性和自传性。

    What is so great about ' Vertigo ' and ' Citizen Kane ? ' To set aside matters of technique and artistry , which would keep us here all day , what fascinates me is that both films are intensely personal and autobiographical .