
  1. 对于这件事我有一点个人的体验。

    This is something I have a little bit of personal experience with also .

  2. 因为再次所通灵的就在个人的体验中。

    Because once again what is channeled has to be within the person 's experience .

  3. 大江健三郎与村上春树创作比较&以《个人的体验》和《海边的卡夫卡》为例

    Comparison between Kenzaburo Oe and Haruki Murakami & Taking Personal Experience and Seaside Kafka as Examples

  4. 这是我个人的体验。

    This is my experience .

  5. 时尚是个人的体验,但它也是社会体系的一部分。

    Fashion is a personal taste expression , but it is also part of the social system rules .

  6. 音乐审美的体验性特征与主体性发展初探超现实主义者是注重个人的体验。

    Exploration on the Experience Principle and Subjectivity of Musical Aestheticism For the surrealists , only personal experience counted .

  7. 新的研究表明,一点个人的体验使许多人能更充分的选取适合自己的器材。

    New studies indicate that a little personal experience convinces many to take the full step to adopting the device for good .

  8. 也许在令人郁闷的经济中,要提高快乐最好的一个方法是承认快乐不是自己一个人的体验,而是群体人共有的财产。

    Perhaps the best way to boost one 's happiness in this depressing economic environment is to recognize that joy not an individual experience , but a property of groups of people .

  9. 帮助大江健三郎获得诺贝尔文学奖的代表性作品,主要是《万延元年的足球队》、《个人的体验》等再生原型文本。

    Kensaburo Oe 's the main representative text of winning the Nobel Prize for Literature is the regenerative text as follows : The Football Team in Wan Yan 's the Fist Year and One 's Own Experience , etc.

  10. 从前者来说,行为是人有意识的行为,这种意识,包括思维、情感、个人的体验、意向性等主观内容;行为还是人的身体活动。

    From the former , there is awareness of the act , which including subjective content such as thinking , emotional , personal experience , and the content of the acts . At the same time , act is the physical activity of human .

  11. 在身体与声音的碰撞中,彼此分享个人的生命体验;

    In the body and the acoustic collision , the life sharing individual each other is experienced ;

  12. 假想中的能读懂情绪的机器人需要大量知识和背景来猜测一个人的情绪体验。

    A hypothetical emotion-reading robot would need tremendous knowledge and context to guess someone 's emotional experiences .

  13. 我有四年具说服力的、个人的亲身体验,据此我完全可以告诉你,不用功会怎么样。

    I have four years of conclusive , personal , hands-on experience of what happens when you don 't try .

  14. 具有地域色彩,浸透着作家个人的成长体验和人生认知;

    The tokens are of strong regional colors , saturated with the writer 's personal growing experience and cognition of life .

  15. 从主观上来说,或者从个人的感官体验来说,我们发现欢乐的体验是一种目的。

    When thinking subjectively , or in terms of one ? s own sense experiences , we find that joyous experiences are an end .

  16. 在表达主题上更关注个人的切身体验,展现成长过程中的心灵印迹,微观表现身边的人和事。

    They pay more attention to the individual experience , showing the growing process of the mind , the micro imprinting performance of the people and things around .

  17. 选择你将用于描述某个人的“体验关键字”;

    Choose experience keywords that you would use to describe a person ; these will be easier to design for and your audience will better relate to them .

  18. 具体的方法就是通过个人的情感体验去直观无意识、以及通过人道主义的社会批判对虚假的意识进行批判。

    The specific method is to intuit unconsciousness through the emotional experience of individuals , as well as to criticize the " false consciousness " through the humanitarian social criticism .

  19. 第四部分则从时间问题的另一方面即相对时间变化因素来分析,以空间序列、空间感知以及个人的时间体验为切入点,与第三部分共同构筑完整的时间因素。

    The other side of time , that is the relative change of time , is paid attention to in the fourth part , from the perspectives of space series , space sense and personal time experience .

  20. 另一方面,诗人不自觉地将个人的情感体验融入到五四大背景下,使其创作表现出一种现代悲剧意识,在现代叙事诗中堪称独步。

    On the other hand , the poet put his personal feeling under the background of the May 4th Movement of 1919 , and unconsciously expressed some modern tragic awareness , which is special in modern epic .

  21. 根据个人的休闲体验可将休闲活动分为:精神性休闲活动、身体性休闲活动、信仰性休闲活动、心身性休闲活动和综合性休闲活动五种类型。

    Taking individual leisure experience as the basis and divides the leisure activity into five kinds : Psychic leisure activity , Physical leisure activity , Faith of leisure activities , Mind-and-body leisure activities and Comprehensive leisure activities .

  22. 文章通过对中国当代艺术家作品的具体分析,总结出中国当代的青年艺术家运用了超现实主义的表现手法,将他们个人的生活体验、生活中的情绪、对人生的思考表达出来。

    The article summed up by the specific analysis of contemporary Chinese artists , Chinese contemporary young artists use the surrealist technique of expression , and their personal life experience , emotional life , thinking about life expressed .

  23. 在现代首饰艺术中,首饰不再是身份地位的社会符号,也不仅仅以个人的情感体验为依托,可以说,首饰更多地成为了一种带有强烈象征性的思想载体。

    In modern jewelry art , jewelry no longer be the status symbol , neither depending on personal feeling , it could be concluded that the jewelry has became as much a kind of thought carrier with intensive symbolization .

  24. 进入新世纪后,诗歌的社会功能日益强化,不仅聚焦个人的生活体验,而且对公共事件也有了书写,赋予了诗歌一定的行动力量。

    After entering the new century , the social function of poetry ever to strengthen not only individual life experiences focused , but also for public events has also been writing poetry gives a certain " action " force .

  25. 独语既指向女性创作者本人基于个人的性别体验,面对世界的一种独特的表达方式,又指向作品中女性人物面对小说世界的一种独特的表达方式。

    Mono-speech refers not only to a typical expression of a female writer towards the universe that comes out of her personal gender experience , but also to that of the female characters in the works towards the world of fictions .

  26. 《野草》与《神曲》是他们的忧愤之作,凝聚着对黑暗社会现实的关注与抗争,对人类命运的思考与探索以及个人的情感体验。

    Weeds and Divina Commedia are their famous works , which embody their consideration and exploration about the fate of mankind , their individual emotional experience as well as their attention to the dark society and their struggle against the dark society .

  27. 这种建立在道德修养基础上的人生境界,是一种独特的、内在的、个人的审美体验,是一种不具备大众性和可观性的精神创造。

    This ideal of life which is set up on the foundation of moral cultivation , is really an unique , internal and personal experience in aesthetic appreciation , and also a spiritual creation with no popularity and with nothing of being worth seeing .

  28. 在较细腻的欲望中,实际感观体验所起作用从属于感官体验的衍生因素。从主观上来说,或者从个人的感官体验来说,我们发现欢乐的体验是一种目的。

    In the finer desires , the actual sensations play a subordinate role to the derivative aspects based upon the sensations . when thinking subjectively , or in terms of one ? s own sense experiences , we find that joyous experiences are an end .

  29. 于是,在美学史上不断以各种形式重申的、属于个人生活领域的体验在当代美学理想中又一次登场。

    As a result , experience which was reasserted in various forms and belonged in personal life field , re-emerged in contemporary aesthetical ideal .

  30. 本文通过个人水墨写生的体验和思考,说明山水画水墨写生的目的、方法以及水墨写生在创作中的作用。

    Through personal experience and thinking in the ink sketch to explain the purpose of landscape ink painting , ink painting method and the role in the creation .