
  • 网络a person suspected
  1. 如果有读者只是想简单地知道怎样使用继承性的人,可以直接跳到“管理继承性的API”部分。

    Those who simply want to know how to start using inheritance can skip to " The API for managing inheritance " section .

  2. TRationalPerformanceTester快速运行测试的能力,对重视测试站点完整性的人来说是一个明显的优势。

    The strength of Rational Performance Tester in operating tests quickly is a clear advantage for anyone serious about testing a site 's integrity .

  3. 据MrRajan说,这将使战略决定权从官僚手中转交给具有更高政治合法性的人负责。

    According to Mr Rajan , this would take strategic decisions out of the hands of bureaucrats and entrust them to people with greater political legitimacy .

  4. MarieJackson博士说,我们知道身体不健康或减少流动性的人明显更有可能换老年痴呆。

    Dr Marie Jackson said : ' We know that people with reduced fitness and reduced mobility are significantly more likely to develop Alzheimer ' s.

  5. 方法根据与鼠泛素结合酶有较高一致性的人表达序列标签(EST)设计筛库引物,筛选人胎脑cDNA文库,采用生物信息学方法分析筛选到的阳性克隆;

    Methods According to the sequence of human EST , which is highly homologous to the mouse ubiquitin conjugating enzyme ( E2 ), primers used for library screening were synthesized to screen the human fetal brain cDNA library .

  6. 测量了它们的激发态寿命.首次提出铽资合物标记蛋白质中蛋白质对Tb3+离子发光无影响.建立了液相中竞争性的人血清白蛋白的荧光免疫分析法。

    It is suggested that the exist of HSA has no influence on Tb3 + luminescence in HSA labelled with Tb3 + - chelate . The competitive fluoroimmunoassay for determination of HSA in aqueous solution was established .

  7. 目的:研究具有不同IL6反应性的人骨髓瘤细胞中两条IL6信号转导途径JAK/STAT和Ras/MAPK/NFIL6的诱导活化情况及生物学意义。

    Objective : To investigate the activation of two IL 6 signal transduction pathways JAK / STAT and Ras / MAPK / NF IL 6 in different type of myeloma cell lines and its biological significance .

  8. 典型典型的或有代表性的人;榜样。

    One that is typical or representative ; an example .

  9. 判定艺术品的真实性的人。

    One who determines the authenticity of works of art .

  10. 你认为你是个性外向的人还是个性内性的人?

    You think you 're an extrovert or an introvert ?

  11. 我是一个安静、自由、随性的人。

    I am a quiet , free , casual people .

  12. 那些支配欲强、行为更具进攻性的人被认为具有阿尔法个性。

    Those with more dominant and aggressive behaviour were seen as alpha personalities .

  13. 智力低、缺乏创意性的人一般都不太会骗人。

    Less intelligent people who lacked creativity were also no more likely to cheat .

  14. 每一个有修养的人都是社会性的人。

    Every civilized person is a social being .

  15. 检验事物正确性的人。

    One who checks the correctness of something .

  16. 有主体性的人需要主体性教育来培养。

    People that have subjectivity need subjectivity education .

  17. 积极进取的人往往是强调个人独特性的人。

    Aggressive people tend to be individualists .

  18. 而失败便是灾难。极具竞争性的人视成功比起某些人看失败更无所谓。

    Ultracompetitive people rate their success with lower marks than some people rate their failures .

  19. 只有非常有自主性的人才能在雨雪天坚持户外散步。

    Only highly motivated people will continue their daily walk when it the rains or snows .

  20. 她是有独立性的人。

    She 's an independent spirit .

  21. 拥有道德同一性的人,道德位于其自我概念的核心。

    People who have a moral identity , his moral is in the core of self-conception .

  22. 具有侵略性的人很容易发现因为他们一直地能辨别脸部宽,研究表明。

    Aggressive people are easy to spot because they have instantly recognizable wide faces , researchers claim .

  23. 不懂花性的人可养不好花。

    People who don 't understand the nature of flowers won 't be able to grow them well .

  24. 然而,有时表面上看起来卑贱并带有威胁性的人,未必真的有如此之坏。

    However , sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad .

  25. 人类有一个自然趋势就是去歧视那些有威胁性的人,比如外围的人们。

    Humans have a natural tendency to discriminate against those who are threatening , such as outgroup members .

  26. 根据陈旧的照片选择那些与他们描述的人物有很大相似性的人作为演员。

    Old photographs suggest that the actors were chosen because they bear some resemblance to the people they portray .

  27. 总体性的人是人与自然、人与人、人与社会、人与自我的和谐统一。

    The totality person is the person who has harmonious relations with the nature , person , society and himself .

  28. 寻求自性的人,他们认为五蕴皆空是无常,是苦的根源。

    They , who seek for self-nature , think that empty five skandhas are the source of impermanence and sufferings .

  29. 在瞬息万变、日新月异的现代社会,只有富有主体性的人才能更好地发展自身、适应社会、改造社会。

    In this increasingly changing society , only the people of subjectivity can better develop themselves and shape the world .

  30. 确定了具体的目标市场,提出了商业性的人身保险公司针对目标人群的产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略。

    The product strategy , price strategy , place strategy and promotion strategy are put forward on the aimed market .