
  • 网络Sex selection;gender selection
  1. 赫弗斯坦托尔女士(MsHvistendahl)表示,性别选择仍然得不到应有的重视。

    Sex selection , Ms Hvistendahl says , still does not get its proper attention .

  2. 赫弗斯坦托尔女士(MsHvistendahl)令人信服地讲述了一个不为人知的故事:西方人如何助长性别选择在亚洲开始的情形。

    Ms Hvistendahl is convincing in telling the little-known story of how Westerners helped create the conditions under which sex selection began in Asia .

  3. PGD适用于特殊遗传病的筛查,如囊性纤维化和神经节苷脂病,而且PGD也可以用于性别选择。

    PGD is good for screening for specific genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and Tay-Sachs disease , and also can be used to select gender .

  4. 相反,性别选择几乎不值得一提。

    Sex selection , in contrast , hardly gets a mention .

  5. 制度视域中单位的性别选择机制

    On the Gender-selection Mechanism of the Employing Units from the Institutional Perspective

  6. 关于产前诊断中性别选择的伦理学研究

    Ethical Research on the Sex Choice during the Prenatal Diagnosis

  7. 从男孩偏好到出生性别选择

    Choice From the Preference of Boy to the Practice of Selective Abortion

  8. 人类的由来及性别选择

    The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex

  9. 治疗应着重于性别选择和性腺处理两个方面;

    Emphasis should be placed on the sex choice and gonad treatment .

  10. 出生婴儿性别选择的经济学分析

    Economical Analysis on the Selection of Newborn Sex

  11. 生育性别选择的新变化及对策建议

    Sex-Selective Childbearing : New Situation and Countermeasures

  12. 尽管性别选择的技术正在慢慢广泛应用,但是仍存在很多争论。

    Although the technology for gender selection is becoming more widespread , it remains controversial .

  13. 依据1990年《人类受精与胚胎法案》,英国禁止性别选择。

    Gender selection is banned in Britain under the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act .

  14. 性别选择在阻止更广泛的“人口过剩”的斗争中成了一项工具。

    Sex selection became a tool in a wider battle to stop " overpopulation " .

  15. 家庭策略视角下农村已婚劳动力转移的性别选择

    On the Gender-selection of Rural Married Labor Transfer Under the View of the Family Strategy

  16. 性别选择正渗入印度过去并没有这种做法的部分地区。

    Sex selection is now invading parts of the country that used not to practise it .

  17. 第四部分“对生育性别选择的伦理范导”。

    The fourth is " The ethical guidance on the subject of sex selection reproductive " .

  18. 疾病的风险:性别选择的心理安慰?

    Avoiding transgenerational risks of mitochondrial DNA disorders : a morally acceptable reason for sex selection ?

  19. 因此,生育伦理的进一步建立健全是性别选择的吁求与呼唤。

    Therefore , the further establishing and improving reproductive moral is a call of the sex selection .

  20. 虽然单个家庭进行性别选择可以理解,但这对一个国家来说却是灾难。

    But whereas sex selection may be understandable for a family , it is disastrous for a nation .

  21. “吸引力”,鸟类羽毛因性别选择而拥有包罗万象美丽的羽毛和这些美丽羽毛给人类的装饰;

    " fancy ", the myriad beauty of feathers for sexual selection in birds and decoration for humans ;

  22. 民法视角下的不同性别选择阶段的法益分析

    An Analysis on the Legal Interests During the Different Sexual Selection Stages from the Perspective of Civil Law

  23. 这些游戏,以及他们潜在的性别选择,可能为年轻男性提供重新界定男子汉的空间。

    These games , with their potential for gender play , perhaps provide spaces where young men can redefine masculinity .

  24. 将来会有一天,人们工作时,可能被允许自由地表达他们的性别选择,而不会承受以性别为基础的千篇一律的文化模式的压力。

    Some day , people may be permitted to freely express their gender at work , without pressure to conform to sex-based cultural stereotypes .

  25. 她说,其他写了性别选择技术的人批判的并不够,“因为谴责落后的文化传统变得更加简单。”

    She says others who have written about sex-selection technology have not been critical enough " because blaming backward cultural traditions is simpler . "

  26. 西方人在印度却有着更大的权力和影响,但最后证明,他们中一些人是用这个方法反对性别选择,而不是为了性别选择。

    Westerners had more clout in India , but it turns out some of them used it against , rather than for , sex selection .

  27. 然而,你应该知道,像性别选择一样,确定了的性别并不是可以改变的东西,即使我们希望改变,还是如此。

    You should know though that like sexual orientation , gender identity is not something that can be altered , even if we wish it to .

  28. 因此,在我国传统生育意愿的作用下,它强化了个体生育者的性别选择意识,其行为结果表现为出生人口性别比的失衡;

    So , in the function of traditional birth ideas which consolidates the sexual choice conscious of individual , the sexual ratio at birth has unbalanced .

  29. 著文指导该项研究的博士候选人瓦斯特说:“我们认为鬃毛的进化是性别选择的必然结果”。

    " We suggest the mane 's evolution is the result of sexual selection ," said West , a doctoral candidate whose dissertation led to the paper .

  30. 以新的详细的研究为基础,她提供了性别选择堕胎的现代实践的历史,而且她帮助读者思考这种实践的可能后果。

    She provides a history of the modern practice of sex-selective abortion , based on new and detailed research , and she helps readers think about its possible consequences .