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xìng shàn lùn
  • theory of original goodness of human nature
性善论[xìng shàn lùn]
  1. 第三章主要论述了在孟子性善论视角下,如何设计有效的道德激励路径的问题。

    The third chapter discussed the problem of how to design an effective moral incentive path in the visual angle of Mencius ' theory of original goodness of human nature .

  2. 近代来华传教士以基督教教义为评判尺度,对儒学人性论尤其是孟子的性善论进行了广泛的讨论。

    Using Christian doctrines as the yardstick , foreign missionaries in China in modern times conducted extensive discussions on the Confucian theory of human nature , especially Mencius ' theory of original goodness of human nature .

  3. 孟子性善论解议

    An Interpretation of Mencius ' Theory " Men are Born Good "

  4. 浅析孟子性善论

    Analysis on Good - in - Nature Theory of Mencius

  5. 孟子性善论新探

    New Insight into Mencius ' Theory of Human Good Nature

  6. 科学合理的德育价值选择必须对性善论的人性预设持审慎的批判态度。

    A scientific moral education value choice must have a careful critical attitude .

  7. 这也可以表述为性善论。

    This can also be called " the theory of good nature " .

  8. 中国人的自由观注重内在的精神自由,它与性善论相联系。

    The Chinese view on freedom lays great emphasis on intrinsic spiritual freedom .

  9. 中西人性论的冲突:近代来华传教士与孟子性善论

    Conflict between Chinese and Western of Human or Nature

  10. 孟子性善论与道德建设

    Mencius ' " Theory of Originally Good Human Nature " and Morality Construction

  11. 不过,在儒家内部却有很大分歧,即孟子的性善论与荀子的性恶论的针锋相对。

    Two of the most famous philosophers of Confucianism Mencius and Xunzi are no exceptions .

  12. 从孟子性善论的逻辑维度看社会主义荣辱观

    On the Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace from the Perspective of Mencius ' logic

  13. 在教与学的关系上,儒家持性善论,主张教师言传身教;

    In relation to the teacher-student relationship : the Confucian school advocated teaching by precept and example ;

  14. 学为圣贤是孟子提出的德育目标。孟子的性善论为其学为圣贤的德育目标奠定了理论基础。

    To become a man of sage and virtue is the target of moral education in Mencius .

  15. 其一,孟子的道德修养思想是以其性善论为理论预设的。

    Firstly , mencius ' moral accomplishment ideology is its " goodness theory " for the default theory .

  16. 在这一点上,他吸收了孟子的性善论和王阳明致良知的思想。

    This point , the absorption of Mencius , the goodness of Yang Ming " in conscience " thinking .

  17. 性善论是孟子良贵说形成的理论依据,是其对有关人的内在价值进行探讨的前提和基础。

    The ' good nature ' theory is its ' theoretical foundation , applying a base for his further discussion .

  18. “性善论”是一种实践理性哲学的概念,它具有十分重要的教育学意蕴,强调性善意味着人与物的区别,人的价值的凸显;

    The theory that human nature is originally good is a practical conception of philosophy , which has very important pedagogic implication .

  19. 可见,“性善论”乃是构建孔子学说的理论基石。

    It is thus clear that " man 's Quality is good " is a theoretical foundation stone of Confucius ' theory .

  20. 孟子性善论对青少年德育的现代借鉴

    Mencius 's Theory of the " Inherent Goodness of Human Nature ": Its Practical Significance to Today 's Moral Education of Teenagers

  21. 爱默生汲取了东方文化传统中儒家的性善论、天人合一与印度婆罗门教的梵我一如观念。

    Emerson learned the goodness of the Confucian tradition and the view of Brahman as one in Indian in the Oriental culture .

  22. 但是,性善论使得人心作为一种先验自在的绝对命令,至少在理论的形式上与天命一样,成为社会秩序的超越性命令。

    But , the theory of good human nature make heart to be the absolutely order of the society , just as fatality .

  23. 孟子仁政思想的哲学根基在于他首创的性善论;其指导原则则是孟子承袭古代重民思想并完善发展了的民本思想。

    The goodness belief is the philosophical foundation of the benevolent thinking . The guiding principle is inherited the ancient thinking and re-developed the people thinking .

  24. 自组织理论视野下的新性善论与德育观探赜&兼与檀传宝教授的商榷

    The " Neo-Kindness of Human Nature " and the View of Moral Education in the Perspective of Self-organizing Theory & A Discussion with Prof. TAN Chuan-bao

  25. 道德学说是孟子哲学思想的重要组成部分,他的性善论从道德意识先验论角度,论证了人的道德可能和为何可能。

    The theory of morals play an important role in Mencius 's philosophy . His conception of good nature of man discussed the possibility of moral consciousness .

  26. 在建立以性善论为核心的道德天命观过程中,文化根基的问题观照和传统文化的资源借续是孟子的理论立足点。

    In constructing the theory of morality destiny , the foundation of this theory is the insight of cultural basis problem and the continuity of traditional cultural resources .

  27. 性善论以及其带有宿命论思想的英雄史观,则是论证仁政主张的哲学基础。

    Both the theory of humanity and view on heroes which reflects the thought of fatalism are the philosophical basis to prove the proposition of the policy of benevolence .

  28. 在开篇介绍了他的教育心理思想的基本观点,即性善论和学知论。

    Chapter one starts with his fundamental educational psychology thoughts , examining the theories of " doctrine of good human nature " and " doctrine of acquirable knowledge " .

  29. 相同点在于美育的基础与本质:都以性善论为哲学基础,都强调了情感教育的的重要性。

    The similarities lie in the basis and nature of aesthetic education . which is based on the philosophy of virtue theory and emphasizes the importance of emotional education .

  30. 心性的价值合理性与天命的价值理性之间的相互印证,是孟子性善论及其天命观中最有创意的理论运思。

    The reciprocal verification of the value rationality of mentality and the value reason of destiny is the most creative thinking in the theory of good nature and the theory of destiny .