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qì bù dǎ yī chù lái
  • 熟语be filled with anger
  1. 她一想到这事就气不打一处来。

    She felt sick to her stomach just thinking about it .

  2. 一看到这几个人,阿芙罗狄忒就气不打一处来。

    Some people see this one , Aphrodite does not play on the air to one .

  3. 另外一天,一位夫人打电话跟她的一声唠叨她的小病。我简直气不打一处来。

    Just the other day , this lady was talking to her doctor about some ailment she had and I was flaring back up .

  4. 此时的我见啥都是气不打一处来——不管是擦伤大腿的灌木还是已经无比昏暗的太阳能赛段标示灯。

    I get angry at everything - the bush that scrapes my leg , the solar-powered lights marking the course that have dimmed to almost nothing .

  5. 花招耍遍,结果是小国感觉被摆了一道,气不打一处来&欧洲若是步调不协调,欧盟就有分崩离析的危险。

    Amid all this manoeuvring , France often angered small countries , which felt pushed around . A multi-speed Europe is a risky idea that could break up the EU .

  6. 法国的酒吧不多,而我那些英国朋友一想到要在巴黎的酒吧看自己最喜欢的英格兰队踢球,气就不打一处来。

    France doesn 't have many pubs , and for my Anglo-Saxon friends the thought of watching their beloved England team in a Parisian caf é didn 't appeal .