
  • 网络performance benchmark test
  1. 整个系统的功能满足了设计的预期,但性能基准测试结果表明,系统在CPU运行速度,内存访问速度和I/O吞吐量方面都有较为明显的性能损失,还存在性能优化的空间。

    The entire system to meet the design expectations , but the benchmark results show that the system has much obvious performance loss , there is room for performance optimization .

  2. 本文稍后将会介绍更多有关性能基准测试的内容。

    You can read more about performance baselines later in this article .

  3. 网络性能基准测试序列的边值生成法研究

    Marginal Analysis of the Generation of Network Benchmark Sequences

  4. 问:你们做过性能基准测试么?

    Q : Have you benchmarked the performance ?

  5. 边值分析是网络性能基准测试序列生成的一种重要方法。

    Marginal analysis is an important method for the generation of network benchmarking sequences .

  6. 完整报告包含了在每个云平台的性能基准测试中收集的详细信息。

    The complete report contains detailed information collected during the performance benchmarks for each cloud platform .

  7. 计算机网络性能基准测试研究

    Research on Network Performance Benchmark

  8. 防火墙性能基准测试研究

    Benchmarking Research on Firewall Performance

  9. 性能基准测试超出了本文的范围,将在以后的文章中讨论。

    Performance benchmarks are beyond the scope of this article and will be published in the future .

  10. 多数组织都不够成熟,不能提供服务级别的性能基准测试。

    Most of the organizations are not mature enough to provide performance bench marks at the service level .

  11. 我们的工作负载分为两类:一类用于性能基准测试,另一类用于客户压力测试。

    Our workloads are in two categories : one for performance benchmarking , and the other for customer stress tests .

  12. 性能基准测试程序的程序行为周期性表现为一种群聚性,而康托尔集也具有这一特性,使用康托尔集的构造过程可以近似模拟程序的行为特性。

    Since the cantor set has the cluster property , it can be used to simulate the same cluster property of program behaviors .

  13. 假设希望跟踪各个测试花费的时间&执行性能基准测试的开发人员常常需要这样做。

    Say you intend to track how much time each individual test is taking & something quite common for developers doing performance benchmarking .

  14. 为此,需要对嵌入式系统进行性能基准测试,指导嵌入式系统设计的技术选型和决策,在满足应用需求的前提下,达到最佳性能/价格比。

    So performance benchmark evaluation and analysis is critical for technology selection and decision to embedded systems design with an aim of achieving the best performance / price .

  15. 因此,对稳定状态下的性能进行基准测试需要以下步骤

    So , benchmarking the steady-state performance requires something like

  16. 下面是我们推荐的基准测试次序(报告组件性能的基准测试以粗体显示)。

    In the outline following is a path we recommend ( the benchmarks report the performance of the components in bold ) .

  17. 在我们关于性能、基准测试和容量计划的展出中,一个最受欢迎的主题是性能监控和瓶颈分析。

    One of the favorite topics of our presentation on performance , benchmarks , and capacity planning was performance monitoring and bottleneck analysis .

  18. 基于集群服务器性能的TPC-W基准测试

    TPC-W benchmark evaluation based on the cluster web server

  19. 水印系统性能评价和基准测试的研究与仿真

    Watermarking System Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Research and Simulation

  20. 但是,度量真实应用程序的性能才是基准测试真正的用途。

    Interesting as they may be , measuring the performance of real applications is where benchmarking 's true utility lies .

  21. 以下结果来自评估电能和性能的SPECpowerssj2008基准测试。

    The following results are from the SPECpower_ssj2008 benchmark that evaluates both power and performance .

  22. 当代码正确且能实现相应的功能时,不管其表面上看起来运行缓慢还是实际如此,首先要做的就是对其性能进行测试或基准测试。

    When your code is functional and accurate and seemingly or actually slow your first step is to quantify , or benchmark , its performance .

  23. 对于顺序和随机写操作,以及顺序读操作来说,它的性能非常优秀,根据Google的性能基准测试,它能在某些测试项目中得分领先SQLite两个数量级。

    The result is good performance for sequential and random writes , and sequential reads , beating SQLite by two orders of magnitude in some tests , according to a Google performance benchmark .

  24. MikeLiu是IBM多伦多实验室从事DB2性能基准和高级解决方案开发的一名软件工程师。目前他正参与性能基准测试和RationalPerformanceTester的新协议的原型制作。

    Mike Liu is a software engineer in DB2 performance benchmarks and advanced solutions development at the IBM Toronto Lab. He is currently involved in performance benchmarking and the prototyping of a new protocol for Rational Performance Tester .