
  • 网络contemporary
  1. 彼特拉克的十四行诗风行了整个欧洲大陆,也影响了莎士比亚和他的同时代人。

    Petrarchan sonnets spread throughout Europe and influenced Shakespeare and his contemporaries .

  2. 政客们总是相信,历史对他们的评价会好于同时代人的评价。

    Politicians always believe that history will think better of them than their contemporaries .

  3. 与同时代人相比,将来的经济史学家很可能对特里谢的前任德伊森贝赫(WimDuisenberg)评价更友善。

    Future economic historians will probably regard Wim Duisenberg , his predecessor , more kindly than his contemporaries have done .

  4. 真正有远见卓识者往往受同时代人的误解。

    True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation .

  5. 这种矛盾的现象不仅体现了理查·施特劳斯的个性特点,也反映了与他同时代人的共性特征。

    The paradoxical phenomenon reflexes the individuality of Strauss and his contemporary commonness .

  6. 李光耀及其同时代人让新加坡运转起来,而且运转得非常好。

    Lee and his generation made Singapore work , and work spectacularly well .

  7. 他征求过同时代人的意见。

    He asked the opinions of his contemporaries .

  8. 这是我同时代人的声音。

    It is the noise of my contemporaries .

  9. 安谛巴特洛斯是古代希腊的诗人,与古代罗马的西塞罗是同时代人。

    Antipatros was an ancient Greek poet of the time of ancient Rome Cicero .

  10. 那两位著名作家是同时代人,他们在一起度过了一段漫长的岁月。

    The two famous authors were contemporaries who spent a lot of time together .

  11. 他不像他同时代人那样地吃喝、居住、穿着、取暖。

    He is not feed , sheltered , clothed , warmed , like his contemporaries .

  12. 萧红眼中的鲁迅&一个同时代人对一个伟人的真实记录

    LU Xun in the Eye of Xiao Hong & the Portrayal About a Great Man

  13. 第三册将介绍孔子的生平和为人,还将介绍孔子的同时代人――老子的智慧。

    We shall also learn the wisdom of Lao Tzu , an older contemporary of Confucius .

  14. 确实,在她的同时代人中,她被公认是一个深奥莫测的少女。

    It is true that among her contemporaries she passed for a young woman of profundity .

  15. 济慈和雪莱是同时代人。

    Keats was contemporary with Shelley .

  16. 无论后代的意见怎样,在他的同时代人中是难以看到能与他匹敌的人物。

    Whatever posterity may say , it is difficult to see his equal among his contemporaries .

  17. 克尔凯郭尔提出了一个著名的问题:作为基督的同时代人是什么意思?

    S ö ren Kiekegaard asked famously : What does it mean to be a contemporary of Christ ?

  18. 成功的个人不断寻求进步,而他们比较懒惰的同时代人仅仅满足于现状。

    Successful individuals consistently seek advancement , while their less industrious contemporaries are merely content with the status quo .

  19. 16世纪明代的汤显祖与英国的莎士比亚是同时代人。

    Tang Xianzu , a playwright of Ming Dynasty in16th Century , was the coeval of Shakespeare of Britain .

  20. 但科特金认为,斯大林童年时期遭受的痛苦和他的同时代人并无二致。

    But Kotkin argues that Stalin 's childhood was no more traumatic than those of others of his time .

  21. 环境保护论者通常是依靠他们散文的力量来改变同时代人的思想和行为。

    Environmentalists have traditionally relied upon the power of their prose to transform the thoughts and behavior of their contemporaries .

  22. 因此,人们更满意于境况的上升,即使他们未能追上更为富裕的同时代人。

    Thus people preferred becoming better off , even if they were not catching up with contemporaries better off still .

  23. 与他的同时代人不同,济慈认为诗人没有身份,没有自我,也没有永恒不变的特征。

    Different from his contemporaries , Keats demonstrates that a poet has no identity , no self and no unchangeable attributes .

  24. 电影艺术家演员没有舞台那样的长年的传统可以依靠,他们却可以依靠他们同时代人的惊人发现。

    Without years of stage tradition to draw on , film artists have drawn on the exciting discoveries of their contemporaries .

  25. 梭罗生前没有得到应有的承认,同时代人对他的评价褒少贬多。

    Thoreau did not receive due recognition during his lifetime and the generations of his age criticized him more and praised less .

  26. 对于他的同时代人梅尔维尔和霍桑,它不是那么顺理成章,他们都对爱默生的与灵魂对话持讽刺和怀疑的态度。

    It wasn 't to his contemporaries Melville and Hawthorne , who both took a satiric and suspect view of Emerson 's soul-talk .

  27. 我像许多同时代人一样,已经有好几年难得吃兽肉或茶或咖啡等等了;

    Like many of my contemporaries , I had rarely for many years used animal food , or tea , or coffee , etc.

  28. 但凡英国的自由派对自由演讲心存渴望,他们就会在形式(方面)和繁荣(程度)上比法国同时代人少形成一些偏见。

    But if British liberals were keen on free speech , they were much less preoccupied than their French contemporaries were with its forms and flourishes .

  29. 凯恩斯及其同时代人创造了延续至今的多边体系。对这套体系,我们必须加以改造,才能应对现时代的挑战。

    He and others of his generation created the multilateral system that survives and which we must remake anew to address the challenges of our era .

  30. 他们通过创作反映同时代人的审美理想及审美要求,形成了我国山水画在每个时代不同的风格特点。

    Through the creation reflects a contemporary aesthetic ideals and aesthetic requirements , the formation of a Chinese landscape painting in the style characteristics of each era .