
  1. 香港都会女性的代言人&亦舒论

    Spokeswoman for Metropolis Women in Hong Kong & On Yi Shu

  2. 香港女性作家亦舒深切的女性关怀

    Deep Feminine Concern From HongKong Woman Writer , Yi shu

  3. 亦舒缓晒伤或烧伤之皮肤,减轻痛楚,减退及消除红肿。

    It helps to relieve sunburn , pain and also to eliminate swelling .

  4. 亦舒笔下的现代女性在经济上是富足的,但在精神上却是寂寞的。

    Will relieve modern women in economy is rich , but in the spirit was lonely .

  5. 欧薄荷常被用作缓和反胃和呕吐,亦舒缓绞痛。

    Peppermint is frequently used to allay nausea and vomiting and will relieve the pain of colic .

  6. 结语部分延续本论部分的视角,指出亦舒创作价值之所在。

    Epilogue part of body parts continuation , and points out that will relieve creation value view lies .

  7. 亦舒小说很少以花好月圆为结局,寂寞成为她小说的主要精神内涵。

    Will relieve novels are less likely to end , lonely be painful for her novel the main spirit connotation .

  8. 梦幻空花何劳把捉&从烟花情结看亦舒、安妮宝贝小说的情感走向

    Why to grasp the empty fireworks in dream & A emotional trend in Yi-shu and Baby Annie 's novel from ″ firework complex ″

  9. 亦舒的小说以香港这座弱肉强食、人情淡薄而又充满生机的大都市为据点,描摹了在浮华都市挣扎的众多女性的生存状态。

    Will relieve novels by Hong Kong this dog-eat-dog and personal weak and vibrant metropolis for stronghold , depict the numerous women living state .

  10. 在亦舒的作品里,男性只是女性生活的场景,他们在文学中的地位从中心走向边缘,从主角到配角。

    In Yi 's novels , male act as female 's living scene , their position in literary degraded from the center to the periphery .

  11. 与其它言情小说相比较,亦舒的小说在意义指涉及其表现上较为多样,体现出了香港言情小说的较高水准。

    Compared with other story , will relieve the novel in meaning referred their performance on more diverse , reflects Hong Kong story higher standards .

  12. 究其原因,是基于亦舒的个人经历、香港的社会环境和文化氛围等因素。

    To find its reason , it bases on Yi Shu 's individual experience , HongKong 's social environment and culture atmosphere and many other elements .

  13. 男性在亦舒小说中的他者地位主要体现在亦舒表现女性时的三个策略上:首先亦舒反映了一种逃离父权中心的女性的生成;

    Male 's position as " others " in her novels is reflected in three strategies : first , create female image running away from the society of patriarchy .

  14. 而亦舒不同,她表现的不是弱势群体,而是把女性放在与男性平等的地位上来展示不同女性各自的生活图景。

    But Yi Shu isdifferent ; Her writing is not vulnerable groups , but the women equality with men onthe status of and show different women their life together .