
A 3D dosimetry system of proton therapy facility was designed and constructed in Institute of Modern Physics .
Experiments concerning the ion beam extraction and transmission have been done in Institute of Modern Physics on the Lanzhou Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source No. 3 experimental platform .
Coler Storage Ring of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou ( HIRFL-CSR ) belongs to China great scientific project in China . The alignment for it is very difficult because of very large area and very high accuracy .
The electric-sweep scanner system was installed on the beam line of Lanzhou Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source No. 3 experimental platform of Institute of Modern Physics .
The comprehensive researches of Laser Ion Source ( LIS ) were carried out at the Institute of Modern Physics , Chinese Academic of Sciences . The two beam lines of the LIS were built , named No.1 # and No.2 # .