
  1. 其中一个财团由日资反应堆制造商东芝西屋(toshibawestinghouse)牵头,合作方为中国国家核电技术公司和美国发电企业exelon。

    The first is led by Toshiba Westinghouse , the Japanese-owned reactor manufacturer , in partnership with State Nuclear Power Technology Corp of China and Exelon , the US power generator .

  2. 加拿大根据其基本国情在特殊的历史条件下开发了压力管式重水堆(PHWR)核电技术。

    Canada , in accordance with its basic national conditions in the history is developing nuclear power technology of heavy water pressure tubular reactor ( PHWR ) .

  3. 核电技术的发展动态

    Development and trends of nuclear electric - power generation technology

  4. 问:中电集团将在阳江核电站采用何种核电技术?

    What technology will you be deploying there ?

  5. 从目前人类掌握的核电技术上看核电是安全的,但人为因素造成的安全问题日益突显。

    Judging from the current human master nuclear technology perspective nuclear power is safe .

  6. 美国发展轻水堆核电技术的一个值得注意的新动向

    A New Worth Notice Tendency of Developing Nuclear Power Technology on LWR in America

  7. 未来中国会启用第三代核电技术。

    China will be moving to third-generation .

  8. 三年前,国家核电技术公司与美国西屋公司开始合作。

    The State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation and Westinghouse Electric became business partners three years ago .

  9. 随着核电技术的高速发展,其安全性和经济性一直是关注焦点。

    With rapid development of nuclear technology , security and economy have been the focus of attention .

  10. 随着核电技术与应用的不断发展,人们对核电站安全也提出了越来越高的要求。

    With the development of Nuclear power technology and application , nuclear safety becomes more and more essential .

  11. 保证核电厂的安全也是核电技术推广中的重中之重。

    To ensure the safety of nuclear power is a top priority in the promotion of nuclear power technology .

  12. 过去在谈及核电技术时,菅直人曾表示,核电将继续作为日本能源政策的“支柱”之一。

    Mr Kan had previously referred to the technology as continuing to be a " pillar " of energy policy .

  13. 近些年,世界核电技术发展很快,我国虽在核电方面起步较晚,但发展较快。

    In recent years , the nuclear power technology develops quickly , our nuclear power started late , but rapid development .

  14. 日本核电技术人员已经成功阻止来自福岛第一核电站的含高放射性物质的污水流向太平洋。

    Japanese nuclear technicians have stopped the outflow of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean from the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant .

  15. 不过,经合组织国家却仍有可能因为国家政策变化或地区更强硬的反对而普遍放弃核电技术。

    But there could still be a widespread withdrawal from the technology by OECD countries , caused by national changes in policy or stiffer local opposition .

  16. 我国核电技术才刚起步,经验不足,先搞一点,积累经验是可以的,要想用核电替代常规电站不经济。

    It is feasible to develop nuclear energy power plant on a small scale for experience accumulation , since we have only just begun use of atomic energy .

  17. 随着我国核电技术的发展,自主研制钠冷快中子增殖堆十分必要。

    Along with the development of nuclear power technology in china , it is necessary to develop the fast breeder reactor ( fast reactor ) through own efforts .

  18. 随着社会和科技的发展,难加工材料在先进制造技术、石油化工、航天技术以及核电技术的应用也越来越广泛。

    With the development of society and technology , difficult-to-cut materials have been widely used in the advanced manufacturing technology , marine technology , space technology and nuclear technology .

  19. 随着核电技术的发展,高效、安全利用核能发电已成为体现一个国家核技术和电力技术发展水平先进性的重要标志之一。

    In keeping with the development of nuclear power technology , efficiently and safely using nuclear power has become a reflection of nuclear and electric power technology standard of a country .

  20. 我国的发电技术与发达国家的差距主要表现在煤电能源平均利用效率低、电厂污染处理技术滞后、核电技术发展落后。

    The disparity of electrical technology between progressive countries and ours are denoted by the low average efficiency of coal and electric power consumption and the backwardness of power plant pollution handling technology and of application of nuclear energy .

  21. 随着核电技术的迅速发展,人们逐渐从历史上核电站引发的灾难的阴影中走出来,重新认识核能的价值。

    Along with the quick development of nuclear power technology , people are now walking out of the shadows of disasters brought by nuclear power stations in the past , and begin to recognize the value of nuclear energy .

  22. 根据先进核电站研发现状及发展趋势,研究了核电技术评价决策方法,建立了核电站技术评价指标体系,并在此基础上,开发界面清晰、直观,操作简便、灵活的先进核电站专家表决系统。

    In order to study the evaluation and decision-making methods for the nuclear power technology , the nuclear power plant technology evaluation index system was established , and an advanced nuclear power expert voting system was developed , featuring an easy-to-use interface , convenient operation and functional flexibility .

  23. 法国核电:技术标准化奠定成功基石

    French nuclear electricity , the technical standardization establishes the successful cornerstone

  24. 联合国系统及其他组织能源和核电规划技术委员

    Technical Committee on Energy and Nuclear Power Planning in the United Nations System and other Organizations

  25. 随着人类可持续发展意识的增强,核电作为技术成熟的清洁能源形式越来越受到重视。

    Along with human beings ' consciousness of sustainable development , nuclear power , which is often treated as a kind of clean energy with mature technology , attracts more and more attentions .

  26. 核电阀门的技术现状及发展方向

    Technology actuality and developing direction on nuclear valve

  27. 其在技术上、经济上都已经具有了同燃煤、核电等发电技术相竞争的能力。

    It has the ability to compete with the fossil , nuclear-powered and other resources in the technology and economics .

  28. 基于核电四极矩共振技术的爆炸物检测系统数据处理的一种谱分析算法

    A new data processing method of the explosive detection system based on nuclear quadrupole resonance

  29. 压水堆核电燃料循环工程技术创新思路探析

    A Survey of Innovative Trains of Thoughts for Nuclear Power Fuel Cycle Engineering of Pressurized Water Reactor

  30. 核电四极共振探测技术研究

    Technology of NQR detection