
  • 网络Walnut Garden
  1. 利用“3S”技术对核桃园村进行了景观资源评价。

    The forest landscape resources of Hetaoyuan village were evaluated by using the " 3S " technology .

  2. 他出生于1944年,在加利福尼亚州莫德斯托(Modesto)的一处核桃园农场上长大,年轻时的卢卡斯并未明显展现出能使他定居在或者走出籍籍无名的家乡小镇的特质。

    Born in 1944 and raised on a walnut ranch in Modesto , California , the young Mr Lucas had no evident qualification to live down or move beyond that humbly named home town .

  3. 在核桃园组沉积了碎屑和蒸发岩。

    Clastic and evaporite rocks were deposited in the Hetaoyuan Formation .

  4. 南阳凹陷核桃园组是主要含油目的层。

    Hetaoyuan Formation in Nanyang Depression is a major hydrocarbon containing target zone .

  5. 研究了核桃园土壤整个生育期矿质养分的变化规律。

    Studied on the change laws mineral nutrients in walnut-orchard soil in its whole growth stages .

  6. 陆相断陷湖盆的成岩圈闭&以泌阳凹陷下第三系核桃园组三段为例

    DIAGENETIC TRAPS IN FAULT-DEPRESSED LACUS BASIN : Take Eh_3 Member in Biyang Depression as an Example

  7. 不同年龄早实核桃园土壤主要矿质元素含量变化研究

    Variation of main mineral element contents in different soil layer at different ages of the early bearing walnut orchard

  8. 提出核桃园组的盐类沉积应当属于碳酸盐盐湖沉积,在层序演化中盐湖的主成盐期为每个层序发育的低位和高位晚期。

    The main salt-lake forming period access on the period of lowstand and late highstand in the evolution of per sequence .

  9. 通过对泌阳凹陷下第三系核桃园组层序地层学研究,于核三段二、四砂组发现两套下切谷沉积。

    According to sequence stratigraphic study , two sets of incised valley can be identified from Hetaoyuan Formation in the Southeast of Biyang Depression .

  10. 它是在秦岭褶皱带基底上由拉张力形成的一个中、新生代陆相断陷盐湖盆地,其中核桃园组(渐新世)是湖盆最活跃的沉积和充填时期。

    It is a Meso - Cenozoic , terrestrial faulted saline lake basin , formed by tension and developed on the basement of Qinling fold belt .

  11. 油气纵向上分布于核桃园组核二段&核一段,平面上分布于南部斜坡带和北部陡坡带,尚张和段庄区块是有利的勘探区。

    Oil and gas distribute vertically in He-2 and He-1 Member of the Hetaoyuan Formation and horizontally in the south slope zone and the north steep slope zone .

  12. 方法从地质、测井及多参数判别等方面,对王集油田核桃园组核三段的高、低电阻率断块油层、高电阻率水层进行了综合分析与研究。

    Methods High and low resistivity fault-block reservoir , and high resistivity water layer were discussed and studied synthetically based on geology , well logging and multiparameter discriminance .

  13. 我下入核桃园,要看谷中青绿的植物,要看葡萄发芽没有,石榴开花没有。

    I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley , and to see whether the vine flourished , and the pomegranates budded .

  14. 通过2004年和2005年连续两年测定核桃园土壤和叶片主要矿质元素含量的变化动态,结果表明:叶片和土壤中同种矿质元素的年变化趋势不同年份基本一致,只是含量有所不同。

    Main mineral elements contents of soil and leaves of early bearing walnut were determined from 2004 to 2005 . The results showed that the annual changes rule of the same mineral element was similar in different years , but there had a little different changes .

  15. 核桃幼园地膜覆盖栽培技术初步研究

    Preliminary Research on Use of Film Mulching for Walnut Cultivation