
  • 【法】Chinese legal system
  1. 上海新创意中心1933老场坊的开发者及管理者刘恩沛(PaulLiu)也认为,中国法律体系的某些环节如今运行得相当好。

    Paul Liu , who is developing and managing 1933 , a new Shanghai creative centre , agrees that parts of the legal system now work reasonably well .

  2. VIE架构在中国法律体系中一直属于灰色地带,而中国政府更乐于从另一个角度看问题。

    The VIE structure has always been a grey area in the Chinese legal system , and the Chinese government prefers to look the other way .

  3. 行政立法是行政机关的重要职能,行政机关所制定的行政法规、规章等是当代中国法律体系的重要组成部分。

    The administrative legalization is an important function of administrative organ .

  4. 环境法是中国法律体系的组成部分,法的理念是其所具有的,但又有其特殊的理念以别于其他部门法。

    Environmental law has its particular ideas .

  5. 于是,海商法就成为了中国法律体系中最为特殊的一部法律,存在两种本质上炯然不同的法律思维。

    Then Chinese Maritime Code became the most special code , for its owned two different legal thinking .

  6. 通过这些努力,使根本违约制度在中国法律体系的土壤中茁壮成长。

    Through these efforts , so that the system of fundamental breach to grow in the soil of the Chinese legal system .

  7. 中国法律体系的这些特征可保证在中国加入后有效和统一履行其义务。

    These features of the Chinese legal system would ensure an effective and uniform implementation of the obligations after China 's accession .

  8. 这件事还引发了人们对中国法律体系的批评,这个体系看起来对待普通公民比对待那些不轨的官员要严厉得多。

    It has also led to criticism of a legal system seen to treat private citizens far more harshly than errant officials .

  9. 一群来自北京的中学生参观首都少年法庭,学习中国法律体系。

    A group of middle school students from Beijing have been given a tour of a youth court in the Chinese capital to teach them about the Chinese legal system .

  10. 亲属容隐制度在现代社会的构建,要基于对我国传统法律文化的合理借鉴,容隐制度在当代中国法律体系中都具有现实意义,应当予以重新估价。

    Family Concealment System Construction in a modern society , to our traditional legal culture based on a reasonable draw , Concealment System in contemporary Chinese legal system has practical significance , should be re-valuation .

  11. 乐观主义者会表示,中国法律体系的进步,是表明中国逐步向市场经济转型的证据。目前中国已出台一部全面的物权法和一部合同法,以及新的反垄断法。

    Optimists will say that the development of China 's legal system , which now includes a comprehensive property law and a contract code as well as the new antitrust law , is evidence of China 's gradual transformation into a market-based economy .

  12. WTO条件下中国农业法律体系生态化构筑研究&以美国的农业SecurityandInvestment为中心

    Study on the Ecological Construction of Agricultural Laws System under the Condition of Accession to WTO & Focus on the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002

  13. 中国TBT法律体系构建与完善研究

    The Construction and Perfecting Research of the TBT Law System in China

  14. 中国金融法律体系与WTO规则存在着诸多脱节,中国金融立法任务更加艰巨、繁重。

    There are many dislocations between China 's Financial Law System and the WTO regulation . Thus , the Financial Legislation is a more difficult and arduous task for Chinese government .

  15. 近年来,中国的法律体系已经显著改善,但仍然存在地方保护主义和政治影响的问题,英国路伟律师事务所(Lovells)驻上海合伙人马锦德(DouglasClark)表示。

    The Chinese legal system has improved greatly in recent years , but problems remain with local protectionism and political influence , said Douglas Clark , a partner with Lovells law firm in Shanghai .

  16. 美国、日本和中国能源法律体系比较研究

    Energy law system comparison of USA , Japan and China

  17. 第二,中国的法律体系和投资环境正在不断完善。

    Secondly , China 's legal system and investment environment have been improved .

  18. 中国金融法律体系改革之我见

    Opinions on Financial Law System Reform in China

  19. 中国近代法律体系的形成,体现了国际化与本土化的双重追求。

    The formation of Chinese modern legal system has two aims : internationalization and domestication .

  20. 刑法是中国传统法律体系的重要组成部分,也是中国封建法律制度的主体。

    Criminal law is an important component of Chinese traditional legal system , also the subject of Chinese feudal legal system .

  21. 一位外籍律师表示,与他十多年前刚开始在上海工作时相比,中国的法律体系已经取得了巨大进步。

    One expatriate lawyer said the Chinese legal system had made huge strides since he started working in Shanghai over a decade ago .

  22. “不应得为”罪是中国古代法律体系中的一个重要罪名,尤其在唐代更是趋于成熟。

    In ancient China there was a serious crime called as Ought Not To Do , which came into its full being in Tang Dynasty .

  23. 改革开放以来,在立法方面,法律、行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例、部门规章和地方规章共同构成了在宪法统领下的统一的中国社会主义法律体系。

    From the reform and opening till now , the Chinese Socialism legal system has been made up of law and all kinds of regulations .

  24. 本文以生态学理论作为视角探求构筑中国农业法律体系的生态化,实现生态文明时代和政治文明的途径。

    Insight of the biology theory to review China Agricultural Laws System of biology construction is to achieve the transferring from civilization of biology and politic civilization .

  25. 随着《海事诉讼特别程序法》出台而正式确立的海事担保制度,为正处于发展阶段的中国担保法律体系注入了新鲜的血液。

    And maritime security established with the adoption of Special Maritime Procedure Law of PRO , has injected new energy to China 's security law in progress .

  26. 《劳动合同法》在当前中国劳动法律体系中处于十分重要的地位,它是规范我国各种劳动关系的基础性法律,它标志着我国在完善劳动法律体系方面迈出了坚实的一步。

    It is in our labor law system is an important position , is to regulate labor relations on the basis of the law , marking the improvement of labor protection in the legal system has taken an important step .

  27. WTO框架下构建中国服务贸易法律体系

    To Establish China 's Legal System of Service Trade under WTO Frame

  28. WTO《农业协议》与中国农业补贴法律体系之构建

    WTO Agricultural Negotiation and Establishment of Chinese Legal System of Agricultural Subsidies

  29. WTO下的中国银行业法律体系

    Observations on China 's Banking Laws under the WTO

  30. WTO体制下中国食品安全法律体系的构建

    Construction of the Law System of Food Safety in China under the System of WTO