
  • 网络China Coal Industry
  1. 中国煤炭工业协会:回顾过去展望未来

    China Coal Industry : Summarize the past and forecast the future

  2. 最后总结全文,结合当前中国煤炭工业的现状和发展前景,吸取经验教训,得出几点启示。

    Combined with the current situation of china coal industry , we could learn some lessons and draw inspirations .

  3. 据中国煤炭工业协会(ChinaNationalCoalAssociation)统计,今年前九个月国内煤炭消耗总量为30.3亿公吨,同比下降1.2%。

    According to the China National Coal Association , the country 's coal consumption totaled 3.03 billion metric tons in the first nine months of this year , down 1.2 % from a year earlier .

  4. 中国煤炭工业正在经历深刻的变革。

    The coal industry in china is suffering a deeply change .

  5. 中国煤炭工业:演变及前景(下)

    Coal industry of China : evolution and prospects ( Part two )

  6. 浅析中国煤炭工业的发展前景

    The Analysis on China Coal Mining Development in the Future

  7. 中国煤炭工业和煤矿安全生产

    China 's coal industry and coal mine work safety

  8. 中国煤炭工业发展基金的探讨

    A discussion on china 's coal industry developing fund

  9. 中国煤炭工业高产高效矿井的创建与发展

    The establishment and development of high-production and high-efficiency mine in China Coal Mining Industry

  10. 摘要面对新时代经济的迅猛发展,市场的激烈竞争,中国煤炭工业面临诸多挑战和发展机遇。

    Facing the rapid development of economy and the keen competition of the market , China coal industry envisages a great deal of challenges and opportunities for development .

  11. 20世纪80~90年代,煤炭工业多种经营的成功创业和发展,为中国煤炭工业的持续发展拓宽了道路。

    The creation and development of diversified economy in China 's coal sector in the 1980 's ~ 1990 's widened the way to a sustained development of the coal industry of this country .

  12. 本期为下半部分,包括煤炭消费、煤炭与环境、改革与重组和中国煤炭工业前景4个部分。

    This is the second half of the article . It covers four parts such as coal consumption , coal and the environment , coal industry reforms and restructuring and the future prospects of the coal industry of this country .

  13. 中国西北地区煤炭工业发展战略问题研究

    On Strategy of Coal Industry Development in Northwest China

  14. 抚顺市是中国重要的大型煤炭工业基地之一。

    Fushun City is one of the important and large coal industry bases in China .

  15. 《中国证券报》周一援引来自中国煤炭工业协会的消息称,修改后的《煤炭法》将首次为煤炭行业设立行业准入制度。

    Revised Coal Laws will for the first time set the industry access system for the sector , the China Securities Journal reported Monday , citing sources with the China National Coal Association .

  16. 中国加入WTO后,矿业的全球化对煤炭工业提出了挑战,也同时提供了中国煤炭工业发展的机遇。

    The whole world of coal gives a challenge to coal industry after China acceding WTO , at the same time , it provides a developing opportunity . for coal industry .