
  1. 根据谱通量最大原则选取相互作用区电子束和激光束的横向尺寸,分析了基于中国科学院上海应用物理研究所(SINAP)的皮秒、飞秒电子直线加速器的激光同步辐射实验装置的性能。

    The performance of the proposed LSS experimental facility based on the ps , fs electron accelerator of SINAP was calculated with the electron and laser beam sizes at the interacting point being determined by the criteria of maximum spectra flux .

  2. 单位景观改造方法初探&以中国科学院上海应用物理研究所景观改造为例

    Study on Reconstruction of Landscape in Corporation-A Case of Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics , Chinese Academy Sciences