
  • 网络Chinese Academy of Sciences
  1. 本课题利用中国科学院金属研究所发明的一种超弹性低模量的新型钛合金材料来设计制作新型腰椎动态内固定系统。

    In ous study , we utilize a new titanium alloy with super-low elastic modulus to design a new lumbar dynamic fixation system .

  2. 导热性实验在中国科学院金属研究所自行研制的微机运控激光热物性仪上进行,结果表明,纯铜涂层的导热性约为纯铜块体材料的70%左右。

    Thermal conductivity test was performed at Institute of Metal Research , Chinese Academy of Science , and concluded in thermal conducting ability for about 70 % of bulk copper ' s.