
  • 网络Chinese wine;Wine in China
  1. 在很长一段时间里,所谓的中法合资王朝酒业(DynastyWinery)一直以能够生产品质非凡的中国葡萄酒,以及拥有德高望重的中国酿酒师而为人艳羡。

    For a long time , the so-called Sino-French Joint-Venture Dynasty Winery was envied as being capable of producing some unusually good Chinese wine , with a particularly admired Chinese winemaker .

  2. 中国葡萄酒零售商富隆酒业(AussinoWorldWines)在国内100多个城市有专卖店,在广州有多个会所。

    Aussino World Wines , a Chinese wine retailer with shops in more than 100 cities in China , runs lounges in China 's southern city of Guangzhou .

  3. 中国葡萄酒产业如何面对WTO

    How the China 's Wine Confront the WTO

  4. 加入WTO后,中国葡萄酒产业面临着更大的市场机遇和挑战,每一个葡萄酒企业都开始思考如何能赢得更大的市场份额,如何能获得更高的市场利润。

    After China joined the WTO , our wine enterprises face more opportunities and hazards than before . How could we win a larger wine market share and acquire more benefits ?

  5. 去年,英国葡萄酒记者杰西斯·罗宾逊(JancisRobinson)在上海盲品了若干中国葡萄酒。

    Jancis Robinson , a British wine journalist , judged a blind tasting of Chinese wines in Shanghai last year .

  6. 沈品同正计划建立一个可靠的企业对企业(b2b)网站,促进该公司目前100个业务城市之间的贸易,并加入一家可靠的中国葡萄酒零售网站,以期在整个中国吸引新顾客。

    Mr St Pierre Jr is planning a secure business-to-business site to facilitate trade across the 100 cities the company now serves and is establishing a presence on a secure Chinese wine retailing website to reach new consumers across the country .

  7. 中国葡萄酒的原产地域命名系统

    Named System of the Original Production Place of Chinese Grape Wine

  8. 中国葡萄酒正在面临一个开放性的国际市场竞争环境,要积极地参与其中,就需要酿造出深具中国个性的葡萄酒产品。

    Chinese grape wine industry is now facing an open international market .

  9. 但是三年前,他开始只喝中国葡萄酒了。

    But three years ago , he began drinking only Chinese wines .

  10. 研究结果为中国葡萄酒的质量评价提供了一种新的技术手段。

    The research provided a new technical means for evaluating Chinese wine quality .

  11. 利用模式识别技术鉴别中国葡萄酒的产地和品种

    Classification of Chinese wine according to grape origin and variety by pattern recognition

  12. 银色高地的诞生是对中国葡萄酒卓越品质的杰出贡献。

    Silver Heights is definitely another tribute to Chinese wines of exceptional quality .

  13. 中国葡萄酒产业的集群式发展:现状、测度与评价

    Cluster Development of Wine Industry in China : Status , Measurement and Evaluation

  14. 浅析中国葡萄酒行业价格战争

    Analysis on price war in Chinese wine market

  15. 中国葡萄酒应对国际化市场竞争的营销思考

    Investigation on Marketing Strategies for Grape Wine Industry in China to Deal with Global Competition

  16. 中国葡萄酒成熟品牌的副品牌开发策略

    The analysis on the sub-brand development strategy of Chinese established brand names in wine market

  17. 勾勒中国葡萄酒市场的消费者轮廓

    Outline the Market of Chinese Wine

  18. 鼎红基金并不是有望提振中国葡萄酒购买量的唯一新项目。

    The Dinghong fund is not the only new venture that could boost Chinese wine buying .

  19. 中国葡萄酒工业五十年成就卓著

    The achievements of the wine industry

  20. 本文拟研究在中国葡萄酒市场,在上海的具体重点。

    This paper intends to examine the wine market in China , with specific focus on Shanghai .

  21. 但是高女士担心,中国葡萄酒目前的价格太过昂贵,无法在国际市场上与其他葡萄酒竞争。

    But Ms. Gao worries that Chinese wines are still too expensive to compete in international markets .

  22. 毫无疑问,还有更多的外国蜜蜂正围着蜜罐嗡嗡作响,这个蜜罐就是极具潜力的中国葡萄酒产业。

    Doubtless many more foreign bees are currently buzzing round the honeypot that is the potential for Chinese wine .

  23. 这是一个难得的机会让你能走到最前端往中国葡萄酒产业发展。

    It is an extraordinary opportunity for you to be at the forefront of China 's wine industry development .

  24. 邓小宁跟他的朋友我们都是葡萄酒爱好者、在中国葡萄酒行业工作,他们都喜欢品尝这款酒。

    Accompanied by wine lovers and people working in Chinese wine industry , George tasted this wine and appreciated it .

  25. 通过测定样品的物理化学指标来辨别中国葡萄酒的品种和产地。

    The physical chemistry indexes of Chinese wines were investigated for the purpose of their classification according to variety or origin .

  26. 很高兴你能喜欢中国葡萄酒。这是你的花生米,请免费享用。

    A : I 'm glad to hear it . Here are some peanuts , and they are free . Please enjoy .

  27. 让我们在即将到来的新年里,继续真诚地携起手来,共谋未来发展大计,共创中国葡萄酒消费市场的美好明天。

    In the coming new year , let 's ponder together over the development strategy and create a bright future hand by hand .

  28. 4家大型A股上市的中国葡萄酒公司中有3家从一年前,销售额就开始下降。

    Three out of four major Chinese wine companies listed on A shares have seen sales decrease in 2012 from a year ago .

  29. 中国葡萄酒市场诞生仅10年,还在不断成长,价格飙涨是成长阶段的一部分。

    The wine market in China is only about 10 years old and growing , and these prices are part of the growth phase .

  30. 许多人都憧憬着有一天,顶尖的中国葡萄酒能成为美国或欧洲商店货架上常见的商品。

    Many are also envisioning a time when top Chinese wines will be a common sight on the shelves of American or European stores .