
  • 网络unisex
  1. 今年春天,英国零售集团塞尔福里奇(Selfridges)在自己的几家百货商场开设专门销售中性服装的空间。

    This spring , the British retail group Selfridges opened dedicated spaces selling gender-neutral fashion in several department stores .

  2. 中性服装消除或没有两性差别,尤指衣着上。

    Elimination or absence of sexual distinctions , especially in dress .

  3. 动物斑纹装是否真成了男士新的中性服装代表?

    Have animal prints really become the new neutral for men ?

  4. 论中性服装的历史性空间

    Discussion on the historic space of neutral clothing

  5. 设计师个人喜欢穿中性风格服装,这在时尚圈里随处可见。

    This kind of wardrobe is common among fashion designers .

  6. 从20世纪90年代末,中性化服装却成了流行中的宠儿。

    From the end of the 1990s , neutral garment has become the most popular cosset .

  7. 中性化服装是在中性时尚的影响下,从服装功能分类上引出的概念。

    Neutralize clothing is the extended concept from the functional classification under the influence of neutral fashion .

  8. 结合中性化服装的特点和市场调查的统计分析结果,预测了中性化服装的发展前景。

    The potential prospect of unisex apparel is predicted based on unisex character and practical market survey .

  9. 这一季,它为个性鲜明的中性化服装注入了一些优雅的女性化细节。

    This season it 's all about giving statement-making masculine garments an injection of pretty , feminine detail .

  10. 立足于服装市场发展的基本理论,以体现人格为理论出发点,从目标消费群体的心理需要分析入手,阐述了中性化服装市场形成和发展的主要原因。

    Based on the fundamental theory of apparel market development and personality , the psychological demands of target consuming group is analyzed . The primary reason of unisex apparel market forming and developing are discussed .

  11. 更中性化的风格现在大行其道,设计师都开始设计中性的服装和饰品,现在非常流行。

    This more androgynous form of beauty is really in style these days ; fashion designers have started coming out with more androgynous clothes and accessories , and it 's becoming a hot trend .

  12. 所以,服装设计中性别已不再是现代设计师考虑的全部因素,介于两性中间的中性服装却已经成为街头的一道独特风景。

    So sex in garment design has never been the whole factor within the consideration of modern fashion designers .