
  • 网络China Securities Journal;China Securities Daily;CSJ
  1. 《中国证券报》(ChinaSecuritiesJournal)的报道显示,前半年信托公司在地产领域的投资约为2078亿人民币(324亿美元)。

    The China Securities Journal reported that trusts invested about RMB 207.8 billion ( $ 32.4 billion ) in the property market in the first half of the year .

  2. 此外,《中国证券报》(ChinaSecuritiesJournal)上周援引未具名消息人士的话称,中国政府正在探讨养老金税收优惠政策,可能将于今年晚些时候在上海进行试点。

    In addition , the government is studying tax breaks for pension funds and may introduce a trial program in Shanghai later this year , the China Securities Journal reported last week , citing unnamed sources .

  3. 中国证券报:受经济大环境的影响,IPO也暂时停止。

    Chinese negotiable securities signs up for : Suffer the effect of economic big environment , IPO also intermit .

  4. 根据官方的《中国证券报》(ChinaSecuritiesJournal)的数据,周四大约有457家公司的股票被停牌,停牌的表面原因是等待进一步公告。不过,许多人怀疑这么做的真实动机是阻止股价进一步下跌。

    Some 457 companies suspended trading of their shares on Thursday , ostensibly because of pending announcements , according to data compiled by the official China Securities News , though many suspect the real motive was to prevent further share-price losses .

  5. 官方的《中国证券报》(chinasecuritiesjournal)形容钢铁行业为“重灾区”,80%的上市钢材生产商警告称,它们的业绩将逊于预测。

    The China Securities Journal , an official newspaper , described the steel industry as the " main disaster zone " in the downturn , with 80 per cent of listed steel producers warning that their results will be worse than forecast .

  6. 据《中国证券报》报道,富豪榜排名发生变动是因股价变化所致。

    This is attributed to changes in share price , China Securities Journal reported .

  7. 论文从2002年到2005年《中国证券报》上所披露的环境信息中选取71个环境信息披露事件作为研究样本,其中包括负面环境信息披露事件23个,正面环境信息披露事件48个。

    71 environment disclosure events , which include 23 negative environmental disclosure events and 48 positive environmental disclosure events , are collected from 2002-2005 's Chinese Stock as the research sample .

  8. 《中国证券报》引用了法律专家的说法称,这项收购通过上月生效的新反垄断法的几率很大。

    China enacted a rule last year requiring a national security review for foreign acquisitions in some industries , though there was no indication Coca-Cola might face that hurdle , AP said .

  9. 《中国证券报》周一援引来自中国煤炭工业协会的消息称,修改后的《煤炭法》将首次为煤炭行业设立行业准入制度。

    Revised Coal Laws will for the first time set the industry access system for the sector , the China Securities Journal reported Monday , citing sources with the China National Coal Association .

  10. 在上周的一篇刊登在头版的社论中,《中国证券报》称股指期货的推出是一个里程碑,将起到稳定市场的作用,帮助市场从繁荣迈向成熟。

    In a front-page editorial earlier this week , the China Securities Journal hailed index futures as a milestone that will have a stabilising effect on Chinese markets and enable them to evolve from prosperity to maturity .

  11. 据中国证券报近两年调查数据推算出我国女性股民的规模和发展速度,分析了女股民的年龄、文化、职业结构,以及收入水平、金融、股金结构。

    The article calculates the dimension and development of Chinese women stock traders according to the statistics from China Securities Daily , and analyzes the age group , education level , profession structure , income level , and financial and capital structure .

  12. 本文以2000年在《中国证券报》上发表的股评家的预测文章为样本,建立了3组回归方程来研究股评家对于大盘预测的准确性及影响预测的影响因素。

    This paper takes the forecasting articles that appeared on China Securities in 2000 as the samples and establish 3 groups of regression equations to research the veracity of the index predictions by the securities newsletters and the factors that can influence the predictions .

  13. 官方的《中国证券报》昨日在头版发表社评,淡化了外界对中国汇率政策有望很快变化的猜测。从目前经济形势来看,至少上半年人民币不具备大幅升值条件,该报表示。

    A front page editorial in the official China Securities Journal yesterday played down speculation of an imminent move on currency policy . Given the current situation , the conditions are not right for a big appreciation in at least the first half , the paper said .

  14. 投资研究所的一位高级研究员强调,呼吁成立专门机构对外资收购进行审查这是发表在官方媒体《中国证券报》上一篇权威报告的部分内容并不代表发改委的观点。

    A senior researcher at the research institute stressed that the call for a body to scrutinise foreign takeovers – part of an authoritative report printed in the official China Securities Journal – did not represent the views of the National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ) .

  15. 据《中国证券报》报道,该基金还将寻求“从社会上”融资首次为私人投资者押注未上市的国防公司提供了渠道,并有望从随后的首次公开发行中受益。

    The fund will also seek to raise money " from society " for the first time providing a channel for private investors to bet on unlisted state defence companies and , hopefully , to benefit from later public stock offerings , according to the China Securities Journal .

  16. 中国官方报纸《中国证券报》(ChinaSecuritiesJournal)一篇报道称,北京居民去年典当的房屋价值为15亿元人民币,其中很大一部分是为了购买股票。

    According to a report in the official China Securities Journal , Beijing residents last year pawned houses valued at Rmb 1.5bn , much of it in order to buy shares .

  17. 根据中国官方报纸《中国证券报》(chinasecuritiesjournal)的报道,在今年年初的贷款热潮之后,一些中小型储蓄银行将需要提高存款准备金率。

    Some small - and medium - sized deposit-taking banks will need to keep more funds with the central bank following a lending binge at the start of the year , according to reports in the official China Securities Journal .

  18. 据中国主要金融报纸《中国证券报》报导,四川腾中重工从未生产过自己的消费车辆。

    According to China Security News , a leading financial newspaper in the country , Tengzhong has never made its own consumer vehicles .

  19. “目前有一个很大的可能性,如果再来一次降息,加上不良贷款率上升0.2个百分点,就会导致中国各银行出现盈利负增长,”连平对《中国证券报》(chinasecuritiesjournal)表示。

    " There is a big possibility that another interest rate cut plus a 0.2 percentage point rise in non-performing loans would lead to negative profit growth at Chinese banks , " he told the China Securities Journal .

  20. 这降低了中国出口企业的竞争力,并促使有影响力的官方报纸《中国证券报》(chinasecuritiesjournal)上周主张,人民币需要贬值。

    That has made Chinese exporters less competitive and prompted the China Securities Journal , an influential state newspaper , to argue last week that the renminbi needed to depreciate .