
  • 网络securities times
  1. 证券时报网的一篇报道显示,中国邮政与华为就提高邮政的数字化进程展开合作。

    China Post and Huawei have partnered to work on advancing the digitalization of China Post , according to a report by Securities Times Online .

  2. 据《证券时报》报道,该项目也允许包括并购在内的直接投资。

    It will also permit direct investment , including mergers and acquisitions , the paper reported .

  3. 2014年,《证券时报》在报道中把鹏欣描述为“一辆高速行驶的资本列车”,必须不断扩张才能前进。

    An article in China 's Securities Times newspaper in 2014 described the company as a " hurtling capital train " that must continue growing to move forward .