
zhènɡ quàn ɡōnɡ sī
  • securities company;share shop
  1. X证券公司服务营销现存问题对策研究

    Research on Current Countermeasures of Problems of Services Marketing of X Securities Company

  2. AB证券公司信息系统管理改进方案研究

    The Study on Improvement of Information System Administration of AB Securities Company

  3. WTO框架下中国证券公司的制度创新&中外合资

    Institutional Innovation of China 's Securities Corporations under WTO 's Framework ── Sino-foreign Joint Venture

  4. 看跌者:美国农业银行信贷证券公司(CreditAgricoleSecurities)分析师迈克•梅奥

    The bear : Mike Mayo , analyst , Credit Agricole securities

  5. NS证券公司投资银行总部的绩效工资制度

    The Performance Wage System of Investment Banking Headquarters of NS Securities

  6. D证券公司J理财产品的市场营销策略研究

    The Studies on the Marketing Strategy of the J Financial Products of Securities Company

  7. 新的风险计量模型在险价值VaR的出现使证券公司对市场风险的管理发生了深刻的变化。

    VaR , a risk management method , has been developing in response to increasing market risks .

  8. AxesAmericas是一家总部位于美国的证券公司。

    Axes Americas was a US-based securities firm .

  9. DT证券公司合规管理制度构建的研究

    Study on DT Securities Company Establishing Compliance Management System

  10. FZ证券公司信息网络系统安全保障体系优化研究

    Study on the Information Network Security System Optimization of FZ Securities Companies

  11. 第四章对XX证券公司财务风险管理现状及成因进行剖析。

    In the fourth chapter , the current situation and the causes of the financial risk management in XX Securities Company are analyzed .

  12. 除此之外,因为是合资公司,etf证券公司只能获得该基金三分之一的收益。

    In addition to this , ETF securities saw only one third of the revenue from the fund , because it was a joint venture .

  13. 随着行业监管政策的不断放宽,证券公司已可以不受限制的开设营业网点甚至开展网上证券活动,如何有效利用网络营销手段为企业打开更广阔的用户市场也成为JY证券急待解决的问题。

    With the continuous relaxation of the industry regulatory policy , Securities companies have opened business outlets can be unrestricted or carry out online securities activities .

  14. 本文试图在对EVA指标体系的理论研究的基础之上,结合我国券商发展的现状,提出引入EVA指标体系是提高证券公司资本配置效率的有效途径。

    This paper mainly discusses the general theory on EVA index system , gave a thorough analysis on development of securities firms of China , and drew a conclusion that developing EVA index system can improve the capital distribution efficiency of securities firms of China .

  15. 本文通过对某证券公司的磁盘存储系统的需求进行分析,结合现有的RAID技术,提出了一种高效可靠的基于RAID的磁盘存储系统方案,并详细介绍了如何实现该方案。

    This paper analyzed the need of one stock certificate company 's disk storage system , joining together the current technique of RAID . put forward an efficient and dependable project of the disk storage system Based on RAID combining detailed introduction how to realize that project .

  16. 我们还和其他证券公司一起,率先建立了一个固定收益债券的交易平台,叫做BondBook。

    We also pioneered , along with other securities firms , a new trading platform for fixed income securities called BondBook .

  17. 接着从期货IB的定义,证券公司开展IB业务动机和内外因素的影响、证券公司参与IB业务经营存在的风险及控制三个方面对已有文献进行回顾。

    Then the paper is reviewing from three aspects of the existing literature which includes the definition of futures IB , securities firm on the IB business motivation and the internal and external factors influence , securities firms participate in IB business risks and control .

  18. 再次,通过对XB证券公司融资融券业务风险管理进行研究,从风险控制体系、具体业务风险及防范措施、风险评估等方面,进行了详细的研究分析。

    Again , the paper makes detailed research and analysis from the risk control system , business risks and preventive measures , the empirical analysis etc , through empirical study of risk on the securities margin trading of XB Securities Company .

  19. 证券公司如何应对虚假陈述证券赔偿诉讼

    How Do Securities Companies Deal With Compensate Lawsuits of False Statements

  20. 证券公司风险监测预警指标体系的量化探讨

    A study on quantification of risk monitoring system of securities company

  21. 证券公司财务战略:决策制定与指标监控

    Securities Corporate Finance Strategy : Decision Making and Indices Control

  22. 国内证券公司并购重组研究

    Study on Merger and Acquisition , Restructure of the Domestic Securities Company

  23. 证券公司的风险处置是化解金融风险的最重要环节之一。

    Risk disposition is crucial for securities companies to alleviate financial risks .

  24. 基于数据包络分析的我国证券公司效率研究

    Study on the Efficiency of Chinese Securities Companies with Data Envelopment Analysis

  25. 规范运作是我国证券公司走出困境的关键因素

    The Key of Normative Development of Security Companies in China

  26. 第五章围绕着证券公司股东或实际控制人重组模式展开。

    Chapter 5 focuses on the securities company shareholders and actual controllers .

  27. 证券公司集中交易与传统交易模式之比较

    A Comparison of Integrated and Conventional Transactions by Brokerage Firms

  28. 析我国证券公司的战略风险管理

    Analysis of strategic risk management of China 's securities company

  29. 我国证券公司经纪业务顾客忠诚度研究

    Research on Customer Loyalty of Brokerage Business in China 's Security Company

  30. 论证券公司信息隔离墙的法律功能

    On Law Functions of Stork Companies 's Information Fire Wall