
  • 网络insurance exchange;health insurance exchange
  1. 这妨碍了加入需要以电子方式提交投保申请和保险单报价回报的保险交易所。

    This hampers participating in insurance exchanges that require electronic submission of applications and the return of the policies quotes .

  2. Accenture公司曾成功建造了加州保险交易所。

    Accenture built the generally successful California Insurance Exchange .

  3. 由于企业降低覆盖面以及工人转向医疗保险交易所或医疗补助,CMS的精算师假设只有200万人将会失去了雇主提供的保险。

    The actuaries at CMS assume that only 2m people who now have employer-sponsored insurance will lose it , as companies drop coverage and workers move to exchanges or to Medicaid .

  4. 华盛顿将会资助许多新建的州医疗保险交易所。

    Washington will subsidise many of those on the new state exchanges .

  5. 应聘职位:NCUU3A保险交易所保险分析员

    Job : Actuarial Analyst at AAA NCNU Insurance Exchange

  6. 美国纽约保险交易所

    New York Insurance Exchange

  7. 报告指出,如果一些工人开始转向医疗保险交易所,57%的公司会考虑完全取消保险。

    If some workers begin to move to exchanges , the report found , 57 % of companies would consider dropping insurance completely .

  8. 甲骨文公司起诉俄勒冈州公共医疗保险交易所违反合同,称双方存在2300万美元的的纠纷,而该保险交易所依然在使用甲骨文公司的软件。

    Oracle Corporation is filing a breach of contract suit against Oregon public plate health insurance exchange claiming it 's using Oracle software despite 23 million dollars in dispute wills .

  9. 6月份咨询公司麦肯锡调查发现2014年后,医疗保险交易所到位后,30%的公司肯定或也许会停止提供保险。

    In June McKinsey , a consultancy , found in a survey that 30 % of firms would definitely or probably stop offering insurance after 2014 , when the exchanges are in place .

  10. 友邦保险于香港联合交易所有限公司的主板上市,股份代号为‘1299’。

    AIA is listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited under the stock code '1299 ' .

  11. 在沪伦通机制下,在上海上市的公司现在可以通过全球存托凭证保险在伦敦证券交易所进行融资,而英国公司现在也可以在上交所签发中国存托凭证。

    Under the new system , companies listed in Shanghai can now raise funds on the London Stock Exchange via Global Depositary Receipts issuance , while British companies can issue China Depositary Receipts on the Shanghai Stock Exchange .

  12. 如果你的父母不能做你的靠山,你可能需要买一份保期到一月份的短期保险,到了一月份个人就可以通过新市场、联邦或州经营的交易所购买常规医疗保险了,这些交易所可以提供各家保险公司的标准医疗保险计划。

    If your parents aren 't a fallback , you might need to buy a short-term policy until January , when individuals will be able to buy conventional health insurance through new marketplaces , federal or state-run exchanges that offer standard health-insurance plans from various carriers .

  13. 该法案将要求几乎所有美国人都购买保险,但将向较低收入群体提供补贴,同时将以州为基础建立新的保险交易所,让个人可以集合起来,购买能够负担得起的保险。

    The bill will make almost all Americans buy insurance but will subsidise lower income groups , and creates new insurance state-based exchanges where individuals can band together to buy affordable coverage .