
  • 网络insurance;the insurance industry;insurance business;AIG
  1. 他在保险业工作。

    He works in insurance .

  2. 保险业提出了自己的全民医疗保健方案。

    The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care

  3. 我的女儿在保险业工作。

    My daughter works in insurance .

  4. 最终的立法可能会在竞争队伍中加入一项公众计划,但由于保险业和共和党评论家的强烈反对,这一计划可能没法节省多少钱。

    The final legislation might throw a public plan into the competition , but thanks to the fierce opposition of the insurance industry and Republican critics , it might not save much money .

  5. 唐纳德·詹森博士说:"我认为,从道德上讲,我们只是担心眼前的病人,而不是试图为保险业或整个社会省钱。"。

    " I think ethically we are just worried about the patient in front of us and not trying to save money for the insurance industry or society as a whole , " said Dr. Donald Jensen .

  6. 加入世贸组织(WTO)及我国民族保险业的对策刍议

    On Countermeasures for Chinese National Insurance Industry after Joining WTO

  7. 随着加入WTO,保险业发展既有挑战又有机遇。

    With joining WTO , insurance 's development has both challenge and opportunities .

  8. 随着加入WTO,我国民族保险业正面临着巨大的压力。

    After China entered WTO , the national insurance is faced with great pressure .

  9. 面对加入WTO中国保险业改革路径选择

    The Choice for China 's Insurance Industry 's Reform in the Face of Joining the WTO

  10. WebSphereProcessServer就是IBM推出的一个这样的倡导工作,以帮助包括保险业在内的所有行业完成迁移工作。

    WebSphere Process server is one such initiative from IBM to help all businesses with that effort , including the insurance industry .

  11. 保险业如何选择CRM解决方案

    How to Choose CRM Solution in Insurance Company

  12. 作为国内财产保险业的领先企业&P保险公司如何在激烈的竞争中妥善解决应收保费造成的管理困境,成为P保险公司不可回避的问题。

    As the leading property insurance company in China , P Insurance Company how to solve the managing dilemma caused by premiums receivable problem has become unavoidable .

  13. 本文通过对ART市场快速发展的原因和未来发展方向的总结,得出对中国保险业发展ART市场的启示。

    This article summarizes the reasons for ART 's rapid development and their future direction of development and reflects on demands of ART in China 's insurance market .

  14. 为企业间数据交换确定XML词汇是一个伟大的开始,而保险业所需要的是在Web服务基础上进行标准化。

    While identifying an XML vocabulary for data exchange between businesses is a great start , what the insurance industry needs is to standardize on web services .

  15. 中国保险业DEA效率实证分析

    DEA efficiency analysis of Chinese insurance companies

  16. 中国保险业经营效率的动态演进:基于DEA与MI模型的考察

    Efficiency Evolution of Chinese Insurance Industry : A Study Based on DEA and MI Models

  17. 研究AB财险对于了解中国国情下的保险业的现状和发展有一定借鉴作用。

    It is useful to learn Chinese insurance business by studying on AB property insurance .

  18. 通过对J2EE体系结构的分析,介绍J2EE在当前保险业电子商务应用的优越性。

    Based upon the analysis of J2EE , this paper shows the advantages of J2EE application on electronic business of insurance industry .

  19. 1999~2004年中国保险业宏观效率实证研究:基于DEA方法

    The Experimental Analysis of Macro Efficiency of Insurance Industry of China from 1999 to 2004 : Based on DEA Method

  20. 本文主要着重于数据挖掘技术在保险业CRM系统中的应用研究。主要采用了分类树和关联规则方法,来发现隐含在客户行为中的规则,将抽象的数据转换成用户可以利用的信息。

    Decision tree and rule-based method are adopted to explore the possible rules in customer business behavior and transform the raw data into useful information .

  21. 中国保险业效率动态变化的Malmquist指数分析

    An Analysis of Malmquist Index : Efficiency of Insurance Industry in China

  22. 自1980年恢复国内业务以来,尤其是中国加入WTO后,保险业作为率先开放的金融领域,取得了巨大的经济和社会成就。

    Since the recovery on domestic business in 1980 , especially after the join to WTO as the leading opening financial sector , China insurance industry has make the huge economic and social achievements .

  23. 外联网拓扑的一个特殊例子是票据交换所(clearinghouse),这在许多行业都比较常见,可以想到的几个有金融业、医疗保健和保险业。

    A specialized case of the extranet topology is the clearing house , which is common in many industries ; finance , healthcare , and insurance are a few that come to mind .

  24. 金融业、保险业等特殊行业的高安全需求要求GPRS(GeneralPacketRadioServices)必须提供认证、数据完整性和数据机密性等安全服务。

    Some certain industries , such as finance and insurance , may require high level of security , so the GPRS should cover the authentication , data confidentiality and integrity .

  25. GATS框架下保险业市场准入制度中的核心&市场准入也是这场争论中的焦点之一。

    The center of the insurance market access system under the GATS frame , the market access , is the focus of the controversy .

  26. 中国加入WTO后,国际保险业普遍看好中国保险市场未来的发展潜力,许多国际著名的保险集团已相继进入中国市场,中国保险界也都对国内未来的发展充满了信心。

    Since China entered WTO , the great developing potential of insurance market of China is the favorite of international insurance . Lots of worldwide famous insurance groups have entered Chinese market . Meanwhile Chinese insurance also expects great development of the business in the future .

  27. 20世纪80年代,随着西方国家金融业的快速发展,银行业与保险业相互融合,并逐步发展成为一种新的混业经营模式&银行保险(Bancassurance)。

    During the 1980s , the merging of the banking and insurance business with the rapid development of the financial industry has brought a new management mode & bancassurance .

  28. 即使是至今采取的相对轻微的干预行动,譬如近期出资850亿美元解救保险业巨擘美国国际集团(AIG),虽有助于股市反弹,却影响了调整进程。

    Even the relatively minor interventions to date , such as the recent $ 85bn bail-out of the insurance giant AIG , have helped to rally the stock market and interfered with the adjustment process .

  29. 我国旅游保险业发展探析

    An Analysis of the Development of China 's Travel Insurance Industry

  30. 以最大诚信提升保险业竞争力

    Promote the Competitive Potential of the Insurance Industry with Greatest Honesty