
  • 网络insurance assessor;Insurance Loss Adjuster
  1. 我国的保险公估业经过十多年的发展,已经逐渐发展起来。

    China 's insurance assessor industry after ten years of development has gradually developed .

  2. 保险公估作为一种保险中介组织,与其它市场中介组织一样,是市场经济与社会分工的产物。

    Insurance assessor is the product of market economy and social distribution , just like other market media organization .

  3. 保险公估公司分支机构发展思路

    Reflection on Branch Deployment of Insurance Surveyors and Loss Adjusters Company

  4. 我国保险公估人法律制度初探

    The Preliminary Studies on Legal System of Public Adjuster in Our Country

  5. 我国保险公估业发展策略选择

    The Strategic Option for Our Country 's Insurance Appraisal Industry

  6. 第一部分:保险公估制度的介绍及其产生发展根源。

    The first subsection briefly explains insurance adjuster and insurance adjuster institution .

  7. 保险公估人监管法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Issues of Supervisory of Insurance Adjuster

  8. 这里首先对中国保险公估业的发展作了一简单回顾,然后从供给和需求两方面对中国保险公估制度的现状作了分析。

    Subsection one : The history and present situation of Chinese insurance adjuster institution .

  9. 一个优秀的海上保险公估人需具备的素质

    The Required Qualities for a Competent Marine Adjuster

  10. 中国保险公估制度建立的诱因有四种原因促使了中国保险公估制度的产生。

    Subsection two : The reasons for the Chinese insurance adjuster institution came into being .

  11. 中国保险公估人发展研究

    On the Development of Chinese Loss Adjusters

  12. 影响保险公估制度的产生和发展有两个最重要的原因,即规模经济的作用和降低交易费用的要求。

    Two factors caused insurance adjuster institution to come into being : one is the effect of scale economy ;

  13. 毫无疑问,从长远来看,将不利于保险公估业持续、健康、稳定的发展。

    Undoubtedly , it is not good for the continual , healthy and stable development in the long run .

  14. 从需求方面来看,保险公估服务的需求主体分为直接需求主体如保险公司和被保险人;间接需求主体如法院等。

    In demand aspect , the demanders of claims adjusting services can be divided into direct demanders and indirect demanders .

  15. 保险公估人的产生与发展是保险市场体系成熟与完善的重要标志之一。

    The origin and development of insurance assessor is one of the most important symbols of the insurance market 's maturity .

  16. 保险公估人作为保险中介市场的组成部分,是保险市场成熟的重要标志。

    As an component part of the Insurance market , insurance evaluation bussiness is an important mark for an mature insurance market .

  17. 保险公估人作为保险市场的重要组成部分,在保险业中发挥着重要作用。

    As a main part of the insurance market , insurance assessors play an important role in the development of insurance industry .

  18. 最后通过对英国保险公估制度的考察进一步论述了规模经济及交易费用是保险公估制度产生的根源。

    The third subsection explores how scale economy and transaction costs affect the insurance adjuster institution by using the case of England .

  19. 大力发展保险公估人,完善保险市场,是我国保险业发展的内在要求。

    Develop loss adjusters with great effort and consummate insurance market , are the inner urge of the development of our insurance industry .

  20. 第2章是相关理论研究综述,其中包括项目管理、控制论、保险公估风险数据库开发等相关理论的描述,是本论文及项目实践的理论基础。

    Chapter II introduces the relative theories and methods on this project , including theories of Project Management , Control and database development .

  21. 从功能上来说,保险公估人制度不仅具有市场功能,同时还具有一定的社会功能和法律功能。

    As far as the function is concerned , the public adjuster system has not only market function but social and legal function .

  22. 笔者通过引用广州保险公估市场的一些数据说明需求方对保险公估人提供的服务总体上是满意的。

    From the findings report of Guangzhou insurance adjusting market we can see that most demanders are satisfied with the services of insurance adjusters .

  23. 我国大力建设和谐社会、推动经济的可持续发展,给保险公估行业带来了全新的战略机遇。

    Construction of harmonious society in China , promote the sustainable development of the economy to the insurance market has brought new strategic opportunity .

  24. 分支机构的建设发展,是保险公估公司扩张服务网络,提高服务效率,增强竞争力的重要战略。

    Branch deployment is an important strategy of the insurance surveyors and loss adjusters company to expand its service network and enhance its service efficiency .

  25. 我国学者对保险公估人制度从经济学、保险学的角度进行研究的稍多一些,从法律的角度对其研究的相对较少。

    The Chinese scholars mainly study the system of Insurance loss adjuster from the angle of economics and insurance , seldom in the angle of law .

  26. 保险公估市场主体自身建设与保险公估机构发展环境的营造相结合促进保险公估机构走出困境,增加效益;

    Combining the professionals ' self-upgrading with the creation of favorable environment for the insurance assessment organs to get out of the plight and increase profits ;

  27. 本文从分工的角度出发,利用专业化和分工的理论对我国保险公估人的发展问题进行了分析。

    Depart from the perspective of division of labor , this thesis analyze the issue of the development of our loss adjusters with the theory of specialization and division of labor .

  28. 保险公估企业在发展过程中逐渐树立了自己的服务品牌,赢得了保险公司和被保险人的认可,发挥出了保险公估企业特有的职能作用,取得了较好的经营业绩。

    Insurance Surveyous & Loss Adjusters set up their own service brand gradually , winning the approbation of insurance company and policy holder , developing specific service function , and obtaining a better achievement .

  29. 文章的最后部分,通过对股票期权计划和保险公估以及不完全保险两个简洁的案例分析,诠释了双重道德风险下帕累托最优契约的特性。

    Finally , I make use of two cases : stock option scheme 、 insurance surveyors & loss adjusters and incomplete insurance , annotate the nature of the optimistic contract under the double moral hazard .

  30. 其次,本文探讨了我国保险公估业的发展环境,包括人口因素、宏观经济状况、政策法律基础、文化背景以及保险市场状况等等。

    Second , it analyzes the developing environment of our insurance assessment industry , including population , macroeconomic condition , policies and laws , culturalbackground , the situation of the insurance industry , and so on .