
  • 网络Swatch;Swatch Group
  1. 过去一年我们看到了太多的跟风产品。斯沃琪把重点放在电池而不是智能手表上,这很好。

    We have seen so many me-too products over the past year , and it 's good that Swatch is putting a very strong focus on battery power rather than smartwatch .

  2. 著名的斯沃琪手表的联合创始人艾尔玛o默克说,AppleWatch可能将导致瑞士钟表制造商遭受重创。

    The co-founder of the famous Swatch watch says the Apple Watch could result in big losses for Swiss watchmakers .

  3. 斯沃琪集团(SwatchGroup)花费了1亿美元翻修该建筑。这座楼今年将作为饭店重新开放。

    The Swatch Group has spent $ 100m on the building , which will reopen as a hotel this year .

  4. 在向《财富》杂志《Fortune》提供的声明中,瑞士斯沃琪集团(SwatchGroup)并没有详细解释为什么如此多政客和高管青睐这款廉价配饰。

    In a statement to Fortune , Switzerland 's Swatch Group didn 't have much to say about why politicians and executives might want to wear the budget accessory .

  5. 对斯沃琪(Swatch)来说,这样可行不通。

    That will not do for Swatch .

  6. 比如,黑石集团(Blackstone)CEO史蒂夫o施瓦茨曼就拥有好几块斯沃琪表,他尤其热衷颜色鲜艳,设计前卫的款式。

    Witness Steve Schwarzman , CEO of Blackstone . Schwarzman not only owns multiple Swatches , he wears them in funky colors and designs .

  7. 天梭品牌所属的斯沃琪(swatch)未回应记者的置评请求。

    Swatch , owner of the Tissot brand , did not respond to a request for comment .

  8. 历峰集团、蒂芙尼(Tiffany)和斯沃琪(Swatch)等珠宝及腕表企业的预期市盈率更为合理,在14倍左右。

    Jewellery and watch groups such as Richemont , Tiffany and Swatch are more reasonably rated on around 14 .

  9. 开普勒资本市场(keplercapitalmarkets)的分析师乔恩柯克斯(joncox)表示,斯沃琪的业绩“十分强劲”,他还指出,利润率仍有进一步提升的空间。

    Jon Cox , an analyst at Kepler capital markets , said that the results were " very strong " , adding that there was scope for margins to improve further .

  10. 投资者对哈耶克(Hayek)家族寄予很大信任,该家族通过双层股权结构控制斯沃琪公司,并在经营中扮演关键角色。

    Investors are putting a lot of trust in the Hayek family , which holds key roles and keeps control via a two-tier share structure .

  11. 瑞士钟表商斯沃琪集团(SwatchGroup)用自身业绩证明,有关中国奢侈品需求减弱的担忧是过虑了。该公司实现了25%的利润增幅,并表示下半年的前景看好。

    Swatch Group , the Swiss watchmaker , shrugged off concerns about slackening Chinese demand for luxury goods as it booked a 25 per cent rise in profits and said prospects for the second half were promising .

  12. 答案是:斯沃琪(Swatch),一款简单的塑料材质腕表,零售价大约为100美元。

    We have the answer : It 's a Swatch , a simple plastic timepiece that retails in the ballpark of $ 100 .

  13. 日前,瑞士手表制造商斯沃琪就苹果公司商标iWatch在英国侵权一案胜诉成功。

    Swiss watchmaker Swatch has successfully opposed Apple 's registration of the trademark " iWatch " in the UK .

  14. 斯沃琪公司表示,“iWatch”与其公司的产品“iSwatch”以及“Swatch”有着太过相似的商标。

    Swatch said the name " iWatch " was too similar to its own trademarks for the words " iSwatch " and " Swatch . "

  15. 按照2016年的预期盈利计算,斯沃琪的市盈率为16倍,相比其过去的估值和历峰集团(Richemont,预期市盈率为19倍)等同行业公司的估值,斯沃琪现在的估值较为合理。

    At about 16 times forecast 2016 earnings , the valuation is reasonable compared with past levels and peers such as Richemont , on 19 .

  16. 花旗(Citi)分析师托马阠伟(ThomasChauvet)表示,“尽管历峰和斯沃琪(Swatch)将继续受益于金价下跌,但我们不要过高估计这一影响。”

    Thomas Chauvet , an analyst at Citi , agrees . " While Richemont and Swatch will continue to benefit from lower gold prices , let 's not overestimate this impact , " he says .

  17. “瑞士制造”的字眼是手表吸引力的重中之重,从4500欧元一块的欧米茄(Omega)手表到40欧元一块的斯沃琪手表都是如此,这让斯沃琪坚持在世界上成本最高的国家之一生产手表。

    The words " Made in Switzerland " are crucial to the appeal of timepieces , from 4500 Omegas to 40 Swatches - leaving the company committed to manufacturing in one of the world 's most expensive countries .

  18. 但是,随着斯沃琪(swatch)、历峰(richemont)以及lvmh等大型集团在中国市场进行较大规模的布局,开发一个独立于百货商店外的手表零售专营网络,时机已经成熟。

    However , as the large groups such as swatch , Richemont and LVMH established a greater presence in China , a more exclusive watch-retailing network beyond the department stores was ripe for development .

  19. 苹果智能手表足够小,而且轻薄——即使是对像我这样手腕很细的人也是如此——而且,样品的优质腕带还使用了与斯沃琪(Swatch)或更高档手表相同的材料。

    It 's just small and thin enough - even for folks with smaller wrists like myself - and the premium wrist straps provided in the demos feature the kind of materials found in Swatch or higher-end time pieces .

  20. 这家公司和商标目前属于斯沃琪公司所有。

    The company and its trademarks are currently owned by the Swatch Group .

  21. 斯沃琪集团多品牌战略分析

    Analysis on the Multi-brand Strategy of Swatch Group

  22. 英国对冲基金交易员克里斯o赫恩多年前就已经有了一块黑色的斯沃琪。

    U.K. hedge fund trader Chris Hohn has had a black one for years .

  23. 但现在,斯沃琪却开始对这个担子心生厌烦。

    But swatch now finds this arrangement irksome .

  24. 让斯沃琪感到欣慰的是,一些人买手表,仍然只是为了看一下时间。

    Luckily for Swatch , some people still just want to know the time .

  25. 该市场占斯沃琪销售额的三分之一。

    it accounts for a third of sales .

  26. 这样一来,尽管斯沃琪在削减配件供应,但市场对瑞士钟表配件的需求仍会继续增加。

    That will create demand for Swiss components even as swatch curbs the supply .

  27. 据称,即便是奢侈表制造商百达翡丽(PatekPhillipe)的老板在滑雪时也佩戴一块斯沃琪。

    Even the boss of luxury watch maker PatekPhillipe reportedly wears one while skiing .

  28. 这是因为,不同于江诗丹顿(VacheronConstantins)之类的奢侈品牌,斯沃琪非常实用。

    That 's because Swatches - unlike , say , VacheronConstantins - are extremely practical .

  29. 实际上,这位高管还拥有多块斯沃琪表——其中包括一块在正式场合佩戴的黑色款。

    In fact , the executive has several of them - including a black one for formal events .

  30. 埃塔是斯沃琪集团这使得一些品牌在链接看到的一部分。

    ETA is part of the Swatch Group which makes a number of brands as seen in the link .