
  • 网络Mature industry
  1. 成熟产业集群的构建

    Study on Construction of Mature Industry Cluster

  2. 城市化不经济,或城市多样性不经济是推动成熟产业向郊区迁移的主要动因,而地方化经济和城市化经济对生产性服务业在中心城市的再集中起着至关重要的作用。

    The significant factor urges mature industry to move towards suburbs is urbanization diseconomies , while localization economies and urbanization economies play an essential role in re-assembling manufacture services .

  3. 我们必须将关注焦点从支撑成熟产业,转移到支持能够开创新业务的新想法上来。

    We need to move the focus from supporting established industries to helping support new ideas that create new businesses .

  4. 一个成熟产业集群的合作创新,即使在没有外界干预的情况下也应具有自增强的趋势。

    There is a self-enhancing trend of cooperative innovation in a mature industrial cluster , even without a positive interference .

  5. 前者“能比化石能源产业雇佣更多的员工”,但如果你知道“清洁能源经济”的雇员还分布在公共交通和制造业等成熟产业中时,你也许会颇为惊讶。

    The former " employs more workers than the fossil fuel industry , " which might sound surprising until you learn that the " clean economy " includes people working in mature industries like mass transit and manufacturing .

  6. 企业边界的扩张战略及扩张途径!再次是长虹公司的竞争战略&既总成本领先又差异化战略,又从长虹的生产运营活动看其竞争战略及长虹作为成熟产业的竞争战略。

    It is a competitive strategy of Changhong Company again - Total cost least and product difference strategy , run from production of Changhong activity think competitive strategy and Changhong their as ripe competitive strategy of industry also .

  7. 汽车行业作为典型的国际性、完全竞争性的成熟产业,体现了一个国家的工业技术水平,汽车工业的发展对提升我国制造业的国际竞争力以及世界经济地位都具有重要的意义。

    As atypical international and competitive mature industry , auto industry represents the industrial technology level of the country . The development of auto industry plays a vital role in promoting the international competitiveness of our manufacturing business and the economic status in the world .

  8. 会议业(MICE)在发达国家已经是比较成熟的产业,会议旅游也已成为国际旅游业中发展最快的市场之一。

    MICE ( meeting , incentive , convention & exhibition ) industry has been a mature one in developed countries , and convention tourism also has been becoming one of the fastest tourism market .

  9. 近几年来,随着大功率光纤激光器技术的不断成熟和产业化,使得以CO2激光器为主导大功率激光器市场遭受到严峻的冲击和挑战。

    Recent years , with the mature and industrialization of the fiber laser technology , high-power laser market dominated by CO2 laser is suffering severe impacts and challenges .

  10. 里程碑式的原创3d卡通巨片《精灵世纪》,加上先进成熟的产业化思想,再加上全面娴熟的媒体推广运作,当然值得广大观众和儿童产品企业的热切期待!

    Creative3d cartoon movies < < eidolon century > > , as a landmark of China cartoon industry , combined advance cartoon industrialization and excellent media promotion activities , will be expected fervidly by vast audience and related enterprise !

  11. EPON已经形成了一个比较完整和成熟的产业链,这将有利于EPON技术的进一步完善和发展,也在与其他技术竞争的过程中占得了先机。

    EPON has come into a integrity and maturity chain of the industry , it 's a benefit for EPON technology to be improved and developed , and EPON has taken the head when compete with other technologies .

  12. 视频基准档次标准已经基本成熟,产业化步伐在标准制订过程中已经开始。

    Now , the baseline-profile of video has been established .

  13. 网络开发是一个充分成熟的产业。

    Web development is a full fledge industry now .

  14. 咨询业已经历了数轮商业周期,是一个成熟的产业。

    The consulting profession has been through several business cycles . It is a mature industry .

  15. 但是作为一个成熟的产业,医药商业已经步入微利时代。

    But as a mature industry , medical business has entered the era of little profit .

  16. 本文从比较成熟的产业集群理论出发,分析产业集群的本质,并由此界定都市型纺织服装产业集群:进而提出产业集群定位的分析方法。

    And it defines the urban textile and fashion industrial clusters . Then , the method of orientation is brought forward .

  17. 半个世纪以来,猎头行业在发达国家尤其西方国家已形成为一个成熟的产业。

    Since half a century , executive search industry has been a mature domain in developed countries , especially in western countries .

  18. 旅游目的地建设在今天已经成长为一个比较成熟的产业,但目的地形象传播却没能同步走向成熟。

    Nowadays , Tourist destination construction has grown into a comparatively mature industry , but destination image communication is far from mature .

  19. 但会展业在我国的发展历史还不长,它还不是一个成熟的产业,存在的问题仍然很多。

    However , this industry is immature as its development history in China isn 't long enough and many problems thus exist .

  20. 主要依靠投资拉动,粗放式发展特征明显,产业模式还不成熟,产业基地发展过热。

    Mainly rely on investment-led , extensive development of distinctive characteristics , industry model is not mature , the development of industrial base overheating .

  21. 由于发展的不平衡、追求利润最大化以及产业升级换代的需要,成熟的产业总是习惯于由所在国或地区向相对落后的国家或地区转移。

    Because of the imbalance development , pursuing the maximum profits and upgrading industries , the ripe industries are always transferred to the under-developed areas .

  22. 中国电影的私募之路不仅是一条融资之路,在实现的过程中,走出的终将是一条成熟的产业之路。

    The approach to Chinese film in PE is not only a way of capital raising but to lead to a mature industrial pass unavoidably .

  23. 而我国文化产业还处于起步阶段,没有形成一个成熟的产业群体,取得规模效益。

    However , China 's cultural industry is in its infancy , therefore a mature industrial cluster has not yet formed to get scale benefit .

  24. 尽管会展行业在发达国家已经是一个成熟的产业,而我国对这一行业的研究却非常有限。

    Although the exhibition and conference industry is a mature industry in most developed countries , the study in this respect is very limited in China .

  25. 经济型酒店源于美国,在欧美等膳宿业发达地区经济型酒店已成为相当成熟的产业。

    Economy hotel , originated from America , has turned out to be the mature industry in Europe and America areas where accommodations industry is well developed .

  26. 但这些城市往往拥有丰富的自然资源、更低的成本和成熟的产业群,例如大连的造船和沈阳的飞机制造等相关产业。

    But they often have strong natural resource endowments , lower costs and well-established industry clusters around shipbuilding for Dalian , for example , and aviation for Shenyang .

  27. 目前,国内的动漫发展还处于初级阶段,想要在这样的条件下形成和日美等国家一样成熟的产业机制是需要时间的。

    In current , the development of domestic market is still stay in the primary stage , we need time to form a well-established industrial mechanisms under such conditions .

  28. 记者在走访了多家动漫公司后发现,“市场不成熟、产业链不完善”是众多动漫人最常说的。

    Reporter visited a number of animation companies and found that " the market immature , incomplete industry chain " is one of many anime people most often say .

  29. 发达国家尤其是欧美等国种子产业体系已基本成熟,产业组织化程度高,行业管理规范,法律法规完善。

    Developed countries , especially those in Europe and America have a mature seed industry system , a high degree of industrial organization , standard industrial management , perfect laws and regulations .

  30. 前景如此乐观,其理由也是显而易见的:中国广阔的地域、不断增长的财富和尚不成熟的产业都暗示着巨大的潜力(见图表)。

    Some of the reasons for this rosy prospect are obvious : China 's size , its growing wealth and the immaturity of the industry ( see chart ) all explain its potential .