
  • 网络the media industry
  1. WTO框架下中国传媒产业生存与发展的法律环境

    The Legal Surroundings for the Existence and Development of the Chinese Media Industry Under WTO

  2. DionHinchcliffe-Web2.0和社会传媒产业专家

    Dion Hinchcliffe-Web2.0 and Social Media Industry Expert

  3. 论加入WTO后中国电视传媒产业的发展战略

    Discuss of China Mass Media Developing Strategy after China 's Entering WTO

  4. 随着传媒产业的迅速发展,传媒经济对GDP的贡献程度越来越高,传媒产业在国民经济产业结构中的地位也越来越重要。

    With the media economy contributes more and more to GDP growth , the media industry has become increasingly important in the national economy .

  5. 在中国加入WTO后,传媒产业不仅要面对国内日益激烈的市场竞争,更是加入了全球化竞争的行列,面对来自国外大型传媒集团的竞争压力。

    After China join the WTO , the media industry not only has to face an increasingly fierce market competition of domestic , but also joined the ranks of global competition , and must face the pressure of the competition which from the large foreign media groups .

  6. 国家要求广播电视实行制播分离,让国内民营资本进入传播文化业,在此背景下,XX市电视台将其经营性资产剥离与该市一家民营企业成立新视野传媒产业公司。

    The government urges broadcasting industry take the root of segregation of production and communication to attract private capital entering into media industry . The new vision is born on this background and it is a combination of operational asset of XX TV station and private capital .

  7. CMC董事长黎瑞刚表示,此类合作有利于中国电影产业的发展。CMC是一家国有传媒产业基金,不久前刚与精品投资银行Raine集团结成了合作关系,这家美国银行拥有数位好莱坞以及硅谷大佬的支持。

    Such tie-ups are good for China , says Li Ruigang , chief executive of China Media Capital , a state-owned media fund , which recently formed a partnership with Raine , a US merchant backed by some of the biggest names in Hollywood and Silicon Valley .

  8. 关于当前中国传媒产业发展的战略思考

    The Strategic Thought about the Development of Current Chinese Media Industry

  9. 传媒产业的经济本质具有双重内涵:版权经济和注意力经济。

    One is copyright economics , the other is attention economics .

  10. 中国传媒产业区域非均衡发展实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Unbalanced Development of Chinese Media Industry

  11. 第二章深入分析中国传媒产业政策。

    In Chapter Two Chinese media industry policy is analysed deeply .

  12. 传媒产业的发展正面临着错综复杂的局面。

    The development of Media Industry is facing very anfractuous situation .

  13. 传媒产业化中的人力资源整合研究

    The Research of Human Resources Integration in the Media Industrialization

  14. 进入21世纪,传媒产业处于巨大变革之中。

    In 21 century , the media industry is in monstrous shift .

  15. 在众多产业中,传媒产业一枝独秀遥遥领先,正蓬勃发展。

    In many industries , ahead of the media industry is booming .

  16. 传媒产业发展研究电视传媒的女性视角

    The Development of Media Industry Reading TV Media through the Feminist Angle

  17. 电视传媒产业价值链结构与发展研究

    The Structure and Development Study of TV Industry Value Chain

  18. 关于发展我国传媒产业的断想

    Thinking about the Development of China 's Spreading Medium Industry

  19. 该目录将广播电视节目制作、发行和电影制作列为对外开放领域,中国传媒产业与国外一些媒介之间的竞争在所难免。

    The media competition between China and the rest world are unavoidable .

  20. 国际传媒产业正在经历着一场全新的革命,传媒革命浪潮来势汹汹。

    A revolution is now going on in the international Media Industry .

  21. 我国传媒产业经营政策及其影响

    Mass Media in China : Business Policy & Its Influence

  22. 数字传媒产业自组织运营模式研究

    Research on the Self-Organized Operation Pattern of Digital Media Industry

  23. 近年来,传媒产业的发展令世人瞩目。

    In recent years , the media industry is attracting world attention .

  24. 当代文化传媒产业的困境与对策

    The Difficult Position of Contemporary Culture Media Industry and Countermeasure

  25. 虽然发展速度迅猛,娱乐传媒产业在世界范围内仍是一个新兴的产业。

    Generally speaking , Entertainment-Media Industry is a kind of new industry .

  26. 他说,我们意识到了传媒产业正在发生的变化。

    ' We know the media landscape is changing , ' he said .

  27. 论传媒产业中政府定位的校正与政府部门职能的转变

    On Adjustment of Governmental Orientation in the Media Industry and Governmental Functions Transition

  28. 发展传媒产业不仅具有现实的经济意义,而且具有重要的政治意义。

    The development has not only realistic economic but also important political significance .

  29. 文化传媒产业的绩效稽核分析

    Analysis of Achievement Evaluation in Cultural and Media Industry

  30. 区域文化传媒产业竞争力综合评价体系研究

    The Competitiveness Evaluation System of Regional Cultural Media Industry