
  • 网络effect;communication effects
  1. 意识阈限下信息刺激的传播效果研究&基于ERP的实验研究

    An ERP Experimental Research on the Effect of Subliminal Messages

  2. 延边地区FDI的技术传播效果

    The Effect of FDI Productivity Spillover in Yanbian Area

  3. HBIG及乙肝疫苗联合应用阻断乙肝母婴传播效果分析

    The Effect Assay of HBIG and HB Vaccine Used on the Interruptive Mother-to-baby Transmission of HB

  4. 进入3G时代的手机媒体已经成为社会公众获取信息的重要渠道(业界称之为第五媒体),手机媒体使用何种画面视觉形式直接影响传播效果。

    3G era enter mobile media has become an important social public access to information channel ( called as fifth media ), what use mobile media image visual form directly influence the communication effect .

  5. 目的探讨孕妇携带乙型肝炎病毒DNA(HBVdna)的载量,对注射乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白(HBIG)预防宫内传播效果的影响。

    OBJECTIVE To inquire the influence of the capacity of B type hepatitis virus DNA ( HBV DNA ) carried by pregnant women on the result of passive immunity by injecting hepatitis B immunoglobulin ( HBIG ) for preventing intrauterine infection .

  6. 许多非营利组织和民间团体最初都曾为Facebook的传播效果而兴奋,现在却十分沮丧,因为他们发布的内容抵达那些为他们点赞的用户的可能性越来越小了,除非他们花钱让Facebook帮助推送自己发布的最新信息。

    Many nonprofits and civic groups that were initially thrilled about their success in using Facebook to reach people are now despondent as their entries are less and less likely to reach people who " liked " their posts unless they pay Facebook to help boost their updates .

  7. 所谓植入式广告:就是策略性地将产品、品牌或服务等放置到龟影、电视、网络游戏、MTV、平面媒体等一切可能的载体中来达成一定传播效果的营销传播手段。

    So-called implantable advertising : is strategically will products , brand or services placed into the turtle shadow , television , network game , MTV and print media , and all other possible in the carrier to achieve certain communication effect of marketing communication means .

  8. 随着新技术突飞猛进的发展,网络、数字电视等新媒介不断地涌现,尤其是Tivo电视录像技术的发展使得消费者可以过滤掉所有的广告,传统直白式广告的传播效果日渐式微。

    With the rapid development of new technologies , networks , digital TV and other new media continue to emerge , especially Tivo video recording technology allows consumers to filter out all advertising , straightforward style of traditional advertising effect of gradual decline .

  9. 广告传播效果对消费行为的影响分析

    The Spread of The Effect of Advertising on Consumer Behavior Analysis

  10. 情感广告的传播效果及作用机制

    The Mechanism and Communication Effects of Emotional Appeal in Modern Advertising

  11. 增强读者意识提高传播效果

    Enhancing the Consciousness of Serving the Readers to Improve Dissemination Effect

  12. 不同措施阻断乙肝母婴传播效果分析

    Efficiency analysis on different measures of mother-to-child transmission-blocking of hepatitis B

  13. 好的标题常常能打动读者,感染读者,扩大新闻的传播效果。

    The readers are often affected by good news title .

  14. 略论商业广告传播效果与受众心理

    A Brief Introduction to Effectiveness of Advertisement and Public Mentality

  15. 离开了受众的接受,传播效果就不能得以实现。

    The publicizing effect cannot be realized without the reader 's reception .

  16. 潜江市调整农村产业结构控制血吸虫病传播效果

    Effect of agriculture structure adjustment on controlling schistosomiasis transmission in Qianjiang City

  17. 提高名人广告传播效果的策略

    The Strategies for Improving the Effect of the Publicity of Celebrity Advertisement

  18. 中英互译信息传播效果的研究

    Study of Efficiency of Informational Transmission in Translation between Chinese and English

  19. 毛竹笋用林高效益经营技术及其传播效果分析

    An analysis of high-benefit management techniques and popularization effects of shoot-bamboo stand

  20. 我国医学领域开放存取型学术期刊传播效果实证研究

    Empirical Research on Communication Effects of Domestic Medicine Academic Open Access Journals

  21. 这一部分主要论述了语文教学中的传播效果内涵。

    It mainly discusses the connotation of communication effect in language teaching .

  22. 在网络环境下,传播效果理论在多大程度上受到了影响和冲击?

    In what degree this impact occurs on traditional communication effect theory ?

  23. 这种有益的传播效果的获得依据于我们对案件事实属性的正确把握。

    We must hold a correct attribute of the fact of a case .

  24. 认识建构与传播效果研究的复杂性

    Complexity of Research on Cognition Construction and Communication Effect

  25. 中国英语媒体传播效果研究

    On the Effectiveness of the English - Language Media in the Chinese Mainland

  26. 信息超载现象的传播效果分析及其解决对策

    Analysis of communication effect of information overloading and solutions

  27. 中国本土品牌全球化的跨文化传播效果评估

    The Evaluation of Global Branding 's Intercultural Communication Effects for Chinese Local Brands

  28. 关于传播效果的研究理论也有了一定的成就。

    Some achievements have also been made on the research of communication effect .

  29. 新闻播音的质量如何直接影响着新闻传播效果。

    How 's news broadcast quality directly effect the result of news dissemination .

  30. 第三人效应理论:传播效果研究的新视角

    The Third-person effect Theory : a New Angle of View in Communication Effect Research