
  • 网络marketing consulting firms
  1. 营销咨询公司数达企业管理咨询(DataDrivenMarketingAsia,简称DDMA)发布的报告显示,一种新产品在“成熟连锁超市”上架的成本或“高达2.7万美元”。

    According to the report by Data Driven Marketing Asia , the marketing consultancy , the cost of listing one new product " with an established supermarket chain can be as high as $ 27000 . "

  2. 据数字营销咨询公司eMarketer统计,2012年服装及相关配件在线销售额总计达到409亿美元。

    Online apparel and accessory sales totaled $ 40.9 billion in 2012 , according to emarketer .

  3. 数字市场营销咨询公司iCrossing的DougBryan解释称,时下大多数“个性化价格”软件可以使用自身收集的数据对网络卖家从其他在线数据汇总企业的数据进行校验。

    Doug Bryan of iCrossing , a digital-marketing consultancy , explains that the most up-to-date " price customisation " software can collate such clues with profiles of individual shoppers that internet sellers buy from online-data-aggregation firms .

  4. 在一家非正规的营销咨询公司工作

    for a guerilla marketing company .

  5. 这家网站发展成了一家青少年营销咨询公司,以帮助其它企业了解如何开发青少年市场。

    The site developed into a youth marketing consultancy to help other businesses understand how to target a teen audience .

  6. 全球品牌和营销咨询公司博丰于日前发布了一个关于中国消费者最喜爱的品牌的报告。

    Prophet , a global brand and marketing consultancy , recently released a report on the most favored brands of Chinese consumers .

  7. 北京派垦营销咨询有限公司是国内知名的营销咨询公司之一。由于业务发展,诚邀人才加入。

    Beijing Peak Marketing Consulting Co. , Ltd. Is one of leading marketing consulting companies in China . More talents are required for the further business expansion .

  8. 专门从事此类营销方式的咨询公司正如雨后春笋般纷纷涌现,而且据业内人士称,英国可能不久就会成立一个行业协会,类似美国在2005年成立的“口碑营销协会”(wordofmouthmarketingassociation)。

    Consultancies specialising in such marketing methods are springing up and , say industry insiders , a UK equivalent of the word of mouth marketing association , established in the US in 2005 , is likely to emerge soon .

  9. 第四部分是本文的重点,文章从管理咨询产品营销和管理咨询公司营销两大块来探讨。对于前者,总结出了包括七个要素的产品营销组合;

    The fourth section is the key of the paper , discusses the topic from two aspects : consulting product marketing and consulting company marketing .

  10. 康斯成立于1995年,是一家国际性的专业医药战略、营销咨询和广告策划公司。

    Consultech , established in1995 , is a China-based healthcare consulting and marketing communications company .