
  1. 这项调查由凯旋全球调查网络公关公司和“MARC调查”品牌发展公司在加拿大和美国开展。调查表明,在很多人看来,彬彬有礼的男性比那些不懂礼貌的男性更具魅力。

    The survey , conducted in Canada and the United States by public relations firm Ketchum Global Research Network and brand development firm MARC Research , showed that men with good manners are considered more attractive than those without .

  2. 政府正在开展专项整治活动,针对网络公关公司敲诈勒索,进行有偿删帖活动进行治理。

    The revelations come amid a government campaign to crackdown on PR firms blackmailing companies to have negative reports taken off of websites .

  3. 实际上,网络公关公司只是对传统媒体广告公司向网络领域的延伸。

    " Acually , Internet public relation businesses are innovation of traditional advertising agencies in Internet sector ," Ren , a marketing planner of Shenyang Chuangshi Era Advertising Corp.